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Harry's apartment was in one of those buildings that you had to buy instead of rent. It had keycards and security and you didn't have to worry about seeing sneakers hanging over telephone wires.

He lived in the penthouse. I really wanted to fucking ask him where the hell he got the money to pay for all of this. This place was nicer than my....

I shook my head clearing away the memories. I wasn't going to go there. Not if I wanted to keep tonight pleasent.

Harry flopped down on his couch, which was huge and shaped like a circle. He patted the spot next to him. Mu taking that at his invitation jumped up and cuddled into Harry's side. Which made me narrow my eyes at him.

Harry gave me a grin. "Your dog likes me."

Mu hated men. It took him a whole ass year to warm up to all the other men in my life. Even Niall.

"Come here Little Shit."

I narrow my eyes at him. "No."

"Why the fuck not?" Is he pouting? He's fucking pouting. His bottom lip jutting out.

It's getting harder and harder to stay fucking mad at him. "Because I was going home to eat, take a shower and pass the fuck out. And you made me come here instead."

His pout turns into a smirk. "You hungry baby? I've got a meal right here for you." He runs his hand from his chest down his stomach, to his crotch where he cups himself.

Heat courses through my veins. His sex drive is through the roof, he is a dirty minded pervert. I want to be mad. I really want to be mad. But I can't help but really like that about him.

He stands up and walks towards me. "If you put your dick anywhere near me right now Tink I'm gonna bite it off."

Grinning he captures me around the waist and looks down in my eyes. "What are you in the mood for?"

"Ttekbokki and cheese..."

His eyes widen. "Can I order that?"

He's adorable when he's like this. "There's that Daebak is open 24 hours, and they deliver. It has decent food." I inform him.

He hands me his credit card. "Call and order it. Get enough for both of us."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "You going to let go of me so I can call?"

Harry smirks, while simultaneously pulling me down with him as he sits back on his weird ass circle couch. He nuzzles his nose into my neck.

I've noticed he's very touchy when he's drunk. I wiggle around to get to my phone and dial up the resturaunts number. I order in Korean. And am informed that it will be about 15-30 minutes before our food gets here.

After I hang up I pull away from Harry. "Let me up so I can change my clothes please."

I don't miss the smirk that Harry tries to hide. What the hell is he up to?

"I'll come with you. I need to change too."

He stands and instead of letting me down he just carries me into his bedroom. 

"I have these things that are like walking sticks...called legs Tink. I can use them."

His smirk turns downright wicked. "I know you have legs. They were wrapped around my head earlier."

My face turns crimson. He throws back his head and laughs at my reaction. That laugh... I love his laugh. He looks beautiful when he laughs. 

"My baby gets shy when I talk about how her legs lock onto my head like a vice?" He sets me down.

Into The Fire [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now