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I don't know where I am. I don't even remember what my name is. My head is pounding, my throat feels like sandpaper, my tongue and lips are swollen. I feel arms around my body. Which aches everywhere. Even my hair hurts.

I'm naked. Why am I naked? Who the fuck is in the bed with me?

My hand hurts. Why the fuck does my hand hurt?

Groaning I roll to my back and turn my head to the side. Brown curly hair, sharp jawline, plump full lips. Harry. Thank fucking baby Jesus.

I bring my hand up to my face to see why the fuck it's throbbing and my stomach starts to roll.

"What the ever loving donkey fuck?"

I push Harry off of me and run into the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach.

Once I'm done heaving I stare at my hand again.

"Baby?" I hear Harry groan out.

I stumble out to the room after I brush my teeth and pick up his hand.

"Oh my fucking god."

His hand drops from my grasp and thumps him in the head.

"Owe. Baby, what the fuck?" He peeks open his eyes and looks at me.

"What the fuck Harry?"

"Not allowed to call me that." He shakes his head at me.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I demand.

He finally sits up, and looks at me. "Baby, what has you so upset?"

I hold up my hand. "What happened last night."

Harry's face goes pale. I can see the wheels turning in his head. He brings up his hand and stares at it for a moment. "Shit."

I glare at him. "Shit. All you can say is shit?"


"There's a fucking ring, with a god damn H tattooed on my fucking ring finger Harry. There's a fucking ring, with a god damn E tattooed on your ring finger."

He takes a breath. "I can see that baby."

Why the fuck is he so calm? Why the fuck is he not freaking the fuck out right now. "Did we get fucking married?" I yank a pair of shorts out of my suitcase and pull them on. Then grab the first thing my hand lands on. Which is a bikini top. I quickly fasten it around my tits, and reach for my glasses. After I slip them on my nose I start looking around the hotel suite frantically.

"Baby... calm down..." Harry mutters softly.

"Calm down... calm down..." My stomach churns as I lay eyes on a piece of paper sitting on the table underneath two large windows. It completely sinks as I look it over. "Oh my god."

"Baby..." Harry comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"We got married."

Harry sighs. I turn around to look at him. My eyes searching his face. He knew. He had to. That's why he's not completely losing his shit. He knew. It was the only thing that made sense. He hated commitment. He didn't do relationships. Taking a deep breath I looked up at him.

"You know."

It was a statement, not a question. And when his eyes shifted left before he answered me, I knew I was right.

"Yes baby I know."

"I'm going to let you explain before I kill you." I was going to kill him.

"How much do you remember?" Harry asks. His hands moving up and down my arms, in an attempt to soothe me.

I think back to last night. "I remember you leaving to go with Niall and Zayn. I remember going down to the casino with everyone else. I remember shots with Bae. I remember shots with Cho, and Jai, and Liam. I remember shots with Miguel and Javi... That's when everything gets fuzzy."

I run my hands through my hair and look up at him. "What happened after that?"

He sits down on the bed and pulls me with him. So I'm cuddled in his lap.

"Niall, Zayn, and I came back. We did a couple of shots. You won over a grand at a slot machine. Insisted on buying the whole casino drinks...."

"Drinks are free in the casino." I interrupt him.

"Exactly." Harry shakes his head at me. "We went to a club. Zayn brought out some party favors. At this point we were all well past wasted. You took a hit of e. And came back for more. Bae tried to get it away from you. Said 'calm down Molly Cyrus' I ended up grabbing it and taking it. I don't know who suggested it. But someone said we should do a drinking scavenger hunt."

I gape at him. "A drinking scavenger hunt?"

He nods. "I think it was Niall..."

"Fucking Niall."

"Jai and Cho found some Vegas scavenger hunt online..." He sighs. His hands pull me closer to him. "Apparently we are both really competitive."

"Getting married was worth the most points." I take a guess.

Harry nods. "Yeah."

"The tattoos?"

"Second most..."

Fucking mother fucking fucker. "My parents are going to be so upset."

I feel tears prick at my eyes. I got married... because of a stupid scavenger hunt. I tattooed my boyfriends... fuck...husband's first initial on my finger. I had a husband.

"Harry... if you remember it all so clearly... why the fuck did let it happen?" I turn to look into his eyes.

He takes a deep breath. His hands coming up to sweep the hair out of my face. "I dunno baby. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I really wanted to win."

I suck in a ragged breath. How fucking poetic. We got married when we were both barely coherent. We got married because he really wanted to win some stupid ass scavenger hunt. We got married and my parents weren't there.

My oma was going to be heartbroken. My papa.... my grandparents. FUCK. I'd always been the good kid. I'd always been the one with the good grades, who helped out. I had tried since the day I moved in with them to never disappoint them, or give them any reason at all to kick me out.

I'd do the same stuff my siblings did. I was just always super careful not to get caught.

The thought that this was going to be the thing that hurts my parents more than anything else. Breaks my heart.

I'm trying my best to hold my tears in. I'm trying my best not to have a complete breakdown. But it's not working.

I'm married... I'm married and we don't even love each other.

I feel the tears threatening. "I um... I have to pee." I pull myself away from Harry and lock myself in the bathroom.

The tears flow freely as regret settles like a rock in the pit of my stomach.

No matter what happens. I can never take this back. I could never get that moment back.

I'm such a fucking moron.

Into The Fire [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now