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I sat on Bae's couch. Mu's head in my lap, and looked at my best friend.

She was staring at me.

Her eyes wide, her mouth hanging open.


No response.

I picked up a pillow and lobbed it at her head. "Bailey!"

She seemed to snap out of it the minute the pillow smacked her in the face. "What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant?"

I take a deep breath. "15 weeks now..."

"Holy fucking shit..." She takes a breath. Almost as deep as the one I just took. "Are we happy? Are we sad? Are we... Yeetus The Feetus? Or Baking the Bun?"

I throw my head back as laughter bubbles up and spills out of my mouth.

Leave it to Bae.

"Baking the Bun."

"A baby..." She looks at my stomach. "In there..."

I nod.

"Like right now...You're just sitting on my couch...GROWING A FUCKING EYEBALL..."

I can't help it I start laughing again.


"Wow...That's...That's fucking wild."

"Tell me about it..."

Bae comes to snuggle into my side. "Can I?"

I nod.

She surprises me when instead of placing her hand on my belly, she sticks her mouth right above my stomach. "Hey little worm...I'm your TT Bae. You and me kid... We're gonna have some adventures, and I'm gonna tell you all about all the wild shit your mom did...Man we're gonna be best friends... I think I already love you more than I love your mom. You hear me little worm?"

I let out a giggle. "Little Worm... I like that."

A loud bang caused both Bae and I to damn near jump out of our skin.

Bae fell onto the floor.

I clutched my hand to my chest.

Both of our eyes snapped up to look at the front door that had been kicked open.

Harry was standing in the doorway seething. His nostrils were flared. His breath leaving his body in rapid pants. His mouth drawn back in a sneer, and his eyebrows were scrunched in a scowl.

He was furious.

In hindsight probably not the best idea to take off, and not tell him where I was going.

Probably also not the best idea to turn off my phone.

"Tinkerbell." I gave him my sweetest smile.

"You fucking left."

I widened my eyes. "You mean I didn't dream this?"

Bae snickered. She climbed back up on the couch and fought Mu on who got to put their head on my stomach.

Harry's eyes narrowed into slits. He clenched his fists. "You fucking left me."

I narrowed my eyes right back at him. "You fucking lied to me."

He shakes his head. "I didn't."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, okay."

I watch as he takes a breath. He's trying to calm himself down. It's not working very well.

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