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Sometimes I wonder how Harry looks so attractive when he does everything. Right now he's driving us somewhere. I don't know where. He won't tell me. But he looks like he just stepped out of GQ. In jeans and a fucking t-shirt.

He makes driving look sexual, and I don't understand how. I see a smirk pull over his lips as he feels me staring at him.

His hand comes over and grabs mine. Putting it underneath his on the gearshift and interwining our fingers.

"Why you staring at me baby?"

His voice sends goosebumps over my skin.

"You're beautiful."

If I didn't know better I would say he's blushing.

He pulls into a parking lot in front of a large warehouse. I stare at the building then turn to look at Harry.


He shakes his head at me cutting me off from continuing to ask my question. I watch as he gets out of the car. Walks around the front, then opens my door. He holds his hand out to me. "Come with me baby."

He leads me through this giant building. I distinctly hear gunshots in the background. Growing up in the neighborhood I did, you learn to recognize those sounds pretty quick.

"Is this where you kill me?" My voice comes out steadier than I think it's going to.

Harry looks down at me with a perplexed look on his face. "What? No. This is where I teach you how to shoot a gun."

He's going to teach me how to shoot a gun? I look up at him, a smile pulling at my lips. "Really?"

Excitement. Pure excitement runs through my veins.

"Yes really."

I throw my arms around his neck and pepper his face with kisses. "Thanks Tink."

He chuckles. "Come on baby. We're just through that door."

He leads me to a secluded room. There's a counter with an array of handguns. There's also protective Eyewear and earplugs.

"Put the goggles on and the earplugs in." Harry instructs.

I do what he says. Placing the goggles over my eyes and the yellow earplugs in my ears.

"Rules first. When you're not shooting safety on, at all times. Handle every gun like it's loaded. Always, always, always, check the chamber. Don't point it at someone unless you're going to pull the trigger. And don't pull the trigger unless you're either aiming to kill, disable, disarm. To kill, heart, head, neck."

I listen carefully as Harry goes through the rules.

"To disable, knee, stomach, crotch. To disarm, hand, or arm."

I nod.

"These handguns here have the least recoil. Since you're not used to shooting we're going to start out with these. When you pick up the gun do what I told you. I'll demonstrate and then you follow suit."

I watch as he picks up a gun. Takes off the safety, checks the chamber, aims, and shoots. I turn my eyes to the target he is shooting at. One between the eyes, one in the middle of the throat, one in the heart. He puts the safety on and places the gun back on the counter.

He's good at this. Really fucking good at this.

He nods at me. I pick up the SigP365 take off the safety, check the chamber, and aim. I fire off 8 shots. In between  the eyes, throat, heart, shoulder, hand, crotch, knee, and another in the forehead. I put the safety back on and set the gun down.

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