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Harry's POV

She's not at my apartment when I get home. She's not at her apartment. My mind is racing and my blood is fucking boiling.

I've texted over five times. No response.

I've called countless times. Her voice-mail automatically picking up the phone.

I called her brother. I called Niall. I called Miguel. I even called her sister Jai.

I was just about to call Bae when I hear a door bang open at the end of the hallway.

I turn around to see Echo stomping toward me. "Stop fucking calling everyone I know. You're freaking out my family."

My anger which has been teetering on explosive, erupts. "Maybe if you would answer your fucking phone."

She moves past me and unlocks her apartment. I go to walk through the door but she blocks me. "You're not fucking welcome."

"Would you let me explain?"

"I'm going out of town baby. I'll be gone for a week." Echo mocks me. Her British accent is terrible. "You fucking lied to me."

So she's not upset I was with another woman? "Let me explain."

"Eat a dick." Echo slams the door in my face.

I count backwards from 10. I make it to 8 before I'm banging on the door. "Open the fucking door."

The door is ripped open and Echo stands in front of me seething. "You're a fucking psycho!"

"Are you going to let me in?" I am doing everything I can to keep my cool. But she presses every single fucking one of my God Damn buttons.

"Nope." She popped the p.

I dropped my voice, braced my body by holding the doorframe with my hands and leaned forward. "You haven't seen psycho."

I knew the look on my face. I knew what my eyes were saying, how my body language was being perceived. Anyone else would have been scared.

Echo looked me up and down. "You done?"

Am I fucking done? "AM I DONE?"

"You are being so dramatic. And for what?" She shakes her head at me.

"I swear to fucking god."

Echo rolls her eyes and steps back to let me in her apartment.

I prowl in after her kicking the door shut with my foot. "You drive me insane."

"Don't have to drive far." Echo stands in front of me her arms crossed over her chest.

Right at this moment I'm not sure if I want to throttle her or spank her ass and fuck her to death.

"I was working." I stalk towards her. She takes a step backwards for every step i take forwards, until she can't go backwards anymore. I get in her space. Close enough that I can breathe in her scent.


He's in my fucking bubble, and he smells delicious, and I want to punch him in the fucking nuts.

He's bracing himself with one hand above my head, and the other directly next to my face. I can see his stupid black cross tattoo on his hand out of the corner of my eye. His face is inches from mine. His long hair perfectly messy like someone has been running their hands through it. The black suit he's wearing is designer. Expensive. Probably cost more than my rent for two months.

He smells like him. And something sweeter. More floral. Someone else's perfume.

It makes me see red. "Never knew your work had legs like that. She was really, very beautiful. Expensive tastes. Looked like much more your style."

I try to move past him but he presses his body up against me. "It wasn't like that."

I wrap my arms around his neck. Pulling him down closer to my lips. I lean up enough so I can whisper into his ear. "I can smell her all over you."

Then I bring my knee up and connect it with his balls.

He doubles over. Winded. In pain. "Fuck..." Good!

As soon as he is incapacitated I move away from him and into my bedroom. I still don't have a fucking door. Because Long Haired Fuckface McFuckerton, fucking broke my last one.

I go into my bathroom and shut and lock the door. I turn the water to my shower on. Cranking it as hot as it will go.

I strip my clothes off and step into the scalding water. I smell like her. The cloying sweetness of her perfume burns my nostrils and I want to never smell it again.

I scrub at my skin. Damn near jumping out of it when Harry yanks open the shower door.

He's stark naked, furious, and his dick is hard. What looks like painfully hard.

Getting kneed in the nuts did it for him? The guy really does have some fucking issues.

He steps into my shower and grabs my shampoo. He washes his hair, then uses my conditioner, then my bodywash. Then he gets in my space again.

"Now I smell like you. Will you fucking listen to me?"

I press my body against his. "Go fuck yourself."

Leaning around him I shut the water off and grab a towel to wrap around myself. I make it to my bedroom before he's tackling me onto my bed.

He's still naked and he's fucking dripping shower water all over my bed.

"She was my cover." He pins me down. Using his body to subdue mine. His hands hold mine down.

I thrash against him. Trying to fight him off of me. But Harry is fucking strong.

"I had a job. I needed a cover. She was my cover."

I stop fighting against him. But don't speak. I'm angry he lied to me about going out of town. I'm angry some other girl was touching him. I'm not a moron. I can read body language. They've slept together. She still wants him.

"I told you I was going out of town because I was trying to protect you. If I ever got caught... or someone took you..."

"And your cover has to be a woman you've fucked? That still wants you?"

"It needed to look real."

I'm sulking. I know I'm sulking. But if he were to be sent pictures of Niall hanging on me like that he would go fucking ballistic and I know he would.

"So the next event that I need a date for, bring Niall. Got it."

Harry's jaw ticks. "I won't put you in danger Echo."

I shrug a shoulder. "I'm never going to be okay with women you have fucked hanging all over you, touching you, and kissing your neck. Unless you're okay with men I've fucked..."

"Shut your mouth." He snarls. "You want to be my cover next time? Will that make you happy?"

What would make me happy is if he fucked me right now.

He swivels his hips and I let out a moan.

Fucking tease.


"Done." Harry's mouth crashes against mine.

That was easier than I thought it was going to be. Way easier, and now I'm wondering why he isn't fighting me more on it.

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