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Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual abuse, intense violence, graphic descriptions of child abuse, and sexual abuse. Please tread carefully when reading this chapter. It is heavy.

Harry's POV

My foot pressed on the accelerator pedal, until it touched the floor of my car. I weaved in and out of traffic.

When Niall had called me I was getting dressed after a shower.

The panic in his voice had me reeling.

I pulled up to the restaurant and saw nothing but commotion. Zayn was pushing some old man away from Echo. Niall was shouting. Bae was in some old ladies face.

Rage boiled. I threw open my car door and stepped out. I looked at the old man. "Get the fuck away from my wife."

I was shaking. If he was who I thought he was, I was going to fucking kill him.

He turns to look at me. His brown eyes narrowing. "My granddaughter is not married to such filth."

My hand shoots out and grasps him around the throat. "You done fucked up old man. I am going to end you."

"Harry..." Niall's voice called out.

I look over to see Echo curled in Niall's arms.

I lean as close to her grandfather as I can get. "You can fucking run to the ends of the earth. We both know who is the filth here. I will fucking find you, and I will kill you slowly." When I pull away I release his throat. "Run."

He scrambles away from me. I turn back to Niall who is fanning Echo's face.

I scoop her into my arms. "Niall. Drive us home."

I climb in the back of my suv. Keeping her in my lap.

Niall climbs in the front seat, Bae gets in the passenger seat.

I pull out my phone and call her father. After telling him a bit about what happened I hang up the phone.

Niall pulls into the garage and I carry Echo upstairs to our apartment.

I walk directly into our bedroom, and into our shower. I turn the water on and step into it. Not caring that we are both fully clothed.

Echo lets out a soft whimper. "Shhh baby. I've got you. I'm right here. You're safe."

I keep repeating myself. "You're safe baby."

She sags against me. "You're safe."

"Harry..." her voice comes out a broken sob.

"I'm right here baby. You're safe."

"Wash him off. Get him off." She starts scratching at her skin.

"Hey, Little Shit... Baby, look at me."

Her eyes snap up to mine. "You're okay. You're safe. I'll wash it off. Don't hurt yourself." I take her hands. "Let me get these clothes off, and we'll wash okay baby girl?"

I peel her clothes off of her body, then peel mine off of me. I grab the body wash and scrub her gently. Then I wash and condition her hair. After we are both rinsed off I shut off the shower and wrap her in a big fluffy towel.

After wrapping a towel around my waist I take her into the bedroom. I dry her off. Brush her hair out, grab a jumper my mother has sent me from England that I've never worn, slip that over Echo's head, and pull a pair of leggings over her legs. I pull a pair of wool socks over her feet and then kiss the tip of her nose.

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