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Harry's POV

She didn't fucking wait. I knew before I even got out of the fucking bathroom she was gone.

Echo had this ability to make me angry. Very fucking angry. Like right now. I stomped out of her apartment and saw her with Mu standing right next to her talking to a guy with dark brown hair. His arms were covered in tattoos. His amber brown eyes kept sweeping over Echo's body. His hand was resting on her arm.

I knew who the fuck he was. He came to the club quite often. I knew he was a friend of Niall's, he's also an aquantiance of mine. I guess you would say he's a friend, I don't have many. He's never betrayed my trust, but right now all logical reasoning had escaped my brain.

"Hands off." I snapped at him. Wrapping my arm around Echo's waist I pulled her away from him.

He gave me a look of surprise. "I didn't know she was spoken for."

I could feel the rage rolling off of her. "She's not. Get off me." Echo yanked away from me. "I'll call you later." She looked past me right at him and my blood started boiling.

"The fuck you will!" I growled at her. "Lose her number." My eyes focused on him.

I turned around to follow Echo who was stomping back to her apartment building. Mu following behind her. He kept turning around giving me the stink eye.

He looked like he wanted to bite me. Badly.

When we got up to Echo's apartment she tried to force the door closed in my face. Not happening. I shoved it open, kicking it shut behind me and glared down at her.

"I told you to stay in the fucking apartment and wait for me."

"Newsflash bucko you don't get to tell me to do shit. You aren't my brother, you aren't my boyfriend, and you aren't my fucking daddy."

I was on her in an instant pressing her against the wall with my body. Holding her arms above her head with one hand, the other hand holding her chin. I boxed her legs in with one knee. Slightly bending it against her shins so she couldn't kick me. "When I fucking tell you to stay inside and fucking wait for me you fucking listen. I'm telling you for your own fucking safety. Do you even know who the fuck you were flirting with down there? Does your brother know fucking Zayn Malik has your phone number? He's a drug dealer. A dangerous one."

"No fucking shit Harry, he's my drug dealer." Echo snaps at me. "Let me the fuck go or I will tell Mu to bite you in the ass."

I look back at Mu. "Bedroom, now."

I watch with satisfaction as he slinks to the bedroom.

"STOP TELLING MY DOG WHAT TO DO!" She roars at me.


We are both breathing hard, both furious, both staring at each other like we wish hell would open up and swallow the other.

I see her eyes flick to my lips as her tongue comes out and wets her own. My eyes zero in on her mouth.

I feel her body stretching toward me, her neck craning to reach my face. Almost like there is an invisible thether pulling us together. I lower my head towards her. My mouth inches from hers. Just as our lips are about to connect she turns her face away. Little fucking shit.

My hand moves from her chin to her neck. I grip it slightly, not enough to choke her, my fingers pressing in, not on her windpipe, but the sides of her neck and turn her face towards me. I search her eyes as my lips connect with hers.

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