Chapter. 35 ( Here goes nothing)

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(Here goes nothing)

When we walked in the door I didn't see my father, he most be in the livingroom. My hands were shaky, palms sweaty. Please let me be clam about this. We walked on the livingroom and there he sat on the couch watching some game.

"Hey honey, I have missed you." He said as he got up and wrapped his big arms around me.

"I've missed you to daddy." He let go of me and looked behind me.

"Tay, what is this man doing in our house?" Shit, I looked at Ian to see him step up to my dad with his hand held out.

"Daddy, this is Ian, Ian this is my dad." My dad took his hand and shaked it.

"So why is Ian here?" My dad asked.

"Daddy he is my boyfriend." Dad's eye's got ao big.

"Honey, take Rose up to her room." Dad told my mom, okay this is not good. Ian grabbed my hand for comfort.

"Just how old is this boyfriend of yours?" Dad said eyeing up Ian.

"Just turned twenty-five sir." Ian answered for me and it's a damn good thing cause my voice was stuck in my throat. Daddy look back and forth between us.

"Don't you think his a little old for honey?" I look at dad begging for him not to do this.

"No, I don't. "Dad looked at me with a frown on his face.

"I do, I want him out of this house now." Oh hell no.

"Dad if he goes so do I." Ian looked down at me and then to my father.

"So you are picking some guy over your on blood?" He raised his voice.

"No dad, what I'm saying is I want your blessing, and if not I can always leave." He looked shocked and then looked behind me, turning my head I saw my mom stand in the archway of the living room.

"Are you hearing this?" He asked my mom. My mom stepped in the livingroom to come stand in front of me.

"Are you sure about him Tay?" I nodded my head.

"Sure as I will ever be." She turned to my father and gave him a look.

"Come on you can't be serious? " my sad yelled at my mom. I grabbed Ian's hand harder.

"Yes I am, if she's happy then you should be happy for her." Mom yelled back at dad, this ia not how I wanted this to go.

"Mom, it's fine we will just get a motel room."

"You won't be going a damn place, he can." He yelled.

"Dad that's enough, were he goes I go." I could see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Your really picking a man you just met over you family I see how muched we are loved around here." No he did not go there.

"No I'm picking a man I love and means everything to me, not a father that will not respect my wishes, so yeah if that makes me a bad person then I'm the worst." My dad looked shocked, he looked at Ian and then to me.

"Okay fine, you better not hurt her or I will break your neck, understand? " I smiled at daddy and turned to Ian.

"Yes Sir." Ian smiled real big while I ran to daddy to give him a big bear hug.

"Thank you daddy, I love you." He hugged me back. This is not what I expected but hey I'm not arguing with him.

Yay her dad liked him!

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