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We are waiting in line at the skating rink, Ian is nervous and Rose can't get in the door fast enough. We went to the the counter and paid for three speed skates. Once we went in and got our skates putting them on Ian finally talked.

"This place is hugh." He said looking around.

"Yeah we use to come here all the time when I was younger." Ian smiled up at me.

"Yeah, Tay was really good use to when all the race's,  it was great. " I smiled at my little sis.

"You're not so bad yourself." She laughed and continue putting on her skates. Once she was finished it didn't take her long to take off to the rink. Well, she still had it in her, good as ever. Now lets see if I still have it. Ian got up once his skates were on and wobbled alittle.

"Just balance yourself and don't lean forward or backwards okay?" Ian nodded and we made our way to the edge of the rink.

"I really don't think I can do this." Ian looked scared.

"Let me go out and see if I can still do this before I help you and we both bust our asses."  He laughed and kissed me.

"I will be right here watching from the sidelines." I laughed and went to the rink and started skating. Hell yeah I still got it. Rose came up beside me and smiled.

"See you still got it, let's skating together like we use to." Okay here goes nothing. Rose took my hands and I turned backwards skating with her me backwards and her front with both hands locked together. We skated like this until we reached where Ian was waiting with a smirk on his beautiful lips.

"Damn, you two can skate." Me and Rose laughed and she went on. I took Ian's hands and pulled him to the rink.

"Now just don't lean and watch my feet, the things on the front of the stakes are shoppers if you want to stop." Ian nodded and copied what I was doing, he was going great until we had to turn and he fell bringing me with him.

"Shit, sorry." I laughed and reached up and kissed him.

"It's okay your doing pretty good, you just have to learn to turn is all." I got to my feet and help him up and we were off again.

Ian was getting the hang of it and we where going pretty fast now, I can't believe how fast he caught on. We stayed on the ring for another 15 minutes before they called everybody off for the races and couple's skating. We all went ans got something to drink before watching alk the different races. First up was the boys racing and when I seen Jake line up with the rest of the guys. Shit, how did I miss him? I'm sure I would have noticed him being here. Great a perfectly good night is gone in the wind.

"Tay, ain't that Jake?" Rose asked pointing to Jake racing around the rink. I glanced a look at Ian and he was looking where Rose was pointing. Shit.

"Yeah, I swear I didn't know he was going to be here Ian." He frowned and then pecked my cheek.

"It's fine just don't let him get to you okay?" I nodded and smiled at him. Once the race was over Jake came our way.

"Hey Rose it's good seeing you and your sister back at this place." He hugged Rose.

"Hey Tay, going out to race next? Just don't fall on that pretty ass of yours okay?" With that he smirked at me and Ian and left.

"Don't let him get to you." Ian said and came up to my ear.

"Go out there and show him that you won't fall, and that your pretty ass is mine now." I laughed and went out on the floor to line up with the two other girls that was racing.

When the whistle was blow I took off there was one girl on my ass fellowing every move I made, we passed the other and was neck to neck before the last curve. When we arounded it she lost her balance and fell as I went through the finish line. Hell yeah I won. The worker guy came up and handed me a free pass and raised my hand. I went back to Rose and Ian. Handing the free pass to Rose and putting my arms around Ian's neck and kissing him passionately.

"Good job baby, you were amazing. " I nodded and Rose was still jumping up and down cause of the pass she got. The speaker xame on again.

"Now it's time for our love bugs to take the floor for couples skating. " I looked at Ian and smiled grabbing his hand and heading for the floor.

"Go slow please." I laughed and turned around so we were skating like me and Rose did, with me backwards.

"Your so good at this, and by the way your ass looked heavenly when you were racing." I hit him on the arm and bought made him fall but he caught himself. The song was almost over when Jake and his blonde bimbo came along and cut infront of us knocking us all down. Ian fell a few meters in front of me and Jake somehow ended up on top of me and his blonde by Ian.

"Jake get off of me." He looked at me and then came down to my ear.

"You know you like this position, I know I sure do." With that he brought his lips to mine. I wanted to vomit in his mouth. I pushed him back and slapped the shit out of him. He looked pissed . I can see Ian headed this way out the conor of my eye. Jake came back at me but Ian hit him making both of the boys fall. I went to help Ian up and Jake got up on his own.

"Face it asshole she still wants me not some old ass guy like you." Ian laughed.

"Well, if she did she would be here with you and not me, so just remember this pretty ass is going home with me." With that we skated away and got Rose and left. When we got back to my house we ate dinner and helped clean up.

When I got out the shower and dressed into my pjs I went to talk to Ian about what happened at the skating rink. Tonight was our lastnight here. Knocking on his door not waiting for a reply I walked in on Ian with just a towel. Hot damn.

"Sorry to scare you." I laughed.

"I thought it was your dad or mom." He came and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ian, I'm sorry that happened at the rink, I didn't know he would kiss me." Ian kissing up and down my neck. He drives me crazy.

"It's fine Tay, I know you don't want him." I smiled and reached behind me to lock the door. I ran my hands down both sides of his body down to his waist. Giving the towel one good pull it falls to the floor. Exposing his sexy naked body. He looked at me surprised. I put my finger to my lips and shhhed him.

I dropped to my knees infront of him grabbing his hard shaft and kissed the tip. His hissed and put his hands in my hair as I took him in my mouth. Sucking and licking his hard member feeling his silky smooth skin on my tongue it was wonderful. Him moaning and hissing for about 10 seconds before pulling me up and undressing me before laying me down on the bed.

"How did I get so lucky?" His kissing up and down my body now.

"I ask the same question everyday." I moan. He came back up and pushed into to me with slow thrust. Feeling every bit of love he has for me in his movement's and I love him just as much.

I think I'm going to do one more chapter and it's over. I know it has been awhile since I updated but I got lost at the end. I'm not going to lie I didn't know where to take it but I hope you guys like it.

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