Chapter. 39

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I wake up in the bed with Ian the next morning, he wrapped around me like a glove. I try to move and he tightened his grip on my waist. I don't want to tell my family by today but I have to go back to reality. I reach over and start kissing Ian all over his face that's stuffed in my neck.

"Ian, we have to get up and pack." His smiling but doesn't open his eyes.

"Come on let me go I got to pack." He opened his eyes and captured my lips in a lovely kiss. I love this man.

"Okay, I'm up now go so I can have a shower." I laughed and stay where I was. Ian looked back at me and smiles.

"You know you have to go or it's going to be to temping for me to take you again, so go." I got up and walked over to him and kissed him but while I was kissing him I pulled his boxer's down and ran my finger up the length of him. He grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Stop, before I take you right here on this bedroom floor, while your parents are downstairs awake." I kissed him one more time and turned to leave.

"Oh yeah you might want to take a cold shower now." I laughed and ran out the room but I heard Ian say shit under his breath before I made it out the room.

I jumped in the shower myself and when I got out I had to pack we were going back to Texas today, I'm going to miss my family but I have a life now and that life is with Ian. That man is my lifeline and I would do anything for him. I can see us growing old together with our grandkids running around. This is my life now and I just want to be with Ian I hate that we are in totally differant schools now. It makes me want to drop out and just spend my life with him, maybe get a job and help out with the bills in the house.

There was a knock on the door I expected it to be Ian to get me back for what I did to him this morning but when I said come in my mom walked in the door with a smile on her face.

"Packing?" She passed me my shirts.

"Yeah, I'm really going to miss y'all." My mom hugged me.

"We will to honey, but I do need to ask you something." She's got that look on her face.

"Ok?" She pulled me to seat down on the bed.

"Are you really staying with a friend or are you staying with Ian?" I knew I couldn't hide this from her that she would find out somehow. I put my head down and nodded.

"Mom I was going to..." she cut me off.

"I knew as soon as y'all walk through that door, y'all are inserpable." I smiled and said I was sorry for lieing to her.

"It's okay honey I will tell your father just go live your happy life with him and don't forget about us." I seen a tear roll down her check.

"Never moma, never could I forget about y'all, and thanks alot make sure you tell him when we leave." We laughed and me and Ian said goodbye to the family which was very hard for me. Now my life begins with the man of my dreams Mr. Cox's.

The end! I hope yall like it , I know it took me awhile to finish it but I have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now. So please vote and comment and tell me how it was. Thanks for the ones that have voted so far. Untill next time ;)

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