Chapter. 17

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BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ damn alarm, grabbing my phone to turn it off my fucking head was killing me.

"Make it stop." Mason groaned in his bed.

"I did you idiot." Mason looked up from under his covers and rolled his eyes turning back over. God my head is killing me I guess I got a mad hangover I will not be going to class today. I rolled back over and fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone beebing non stop. What the hell who is blowing my phone up? I'm to tried to reach out of bed for it so I try to ignore it.

"Please answer whoever the fuck that is." Mason is still here? He didn't go to class either? I reach for my phone and see I had alot of messages.

Tay where are you Mr. Cox's asked about you;) Bonnie. Damn it I forgot to text Ian.

So now you just going to skip ur classes? Figures. Kel. What the hell is her problem.

Where are you? Are you okay? I miss u ; ( sexy Ian. I decided to just text Bonnie back.

Hey had a bad hangover sorry call u later okay, if you see him tell him for me ok? :( Tay. I sent the message and laid back down one more hour of sleep should be good. My phone went off again.

He went to the headmasters office today they said they needed to speak to him, have not seen him since. Bonnie. Shit what the hell. I just texted Bonnie back when there was a knock on the dorm room door. What the hell I'm not getting up.

"What the fuck?" I heard Mason say.

"Please get it Mason I got a major headache. " he groaned but got up to answer the door.

"Mr. Cox's what are you doing here?" Shit his here at my dorm what is he doing?

"Yea I'm Tays roomy, she is asleep though." God don't let him walk in.

"Yea I will tell her as soon as she gets up." I heard the door shut.

"Why is the math teacher looking for you?" What the hell do I say to that?

"I don't know?" Mason looked at me for a moment.

"Well he said when get up to go to his classroom he needs to talk to you its important. " I nodded at Mason and got to go shower first before going to find out what he wanted. Once I was out the shower and dressed I made my way to Ian's classroom. When I walked in Ian looked up from his desk and smiled.

"Why did you come to my dorm it's to risky? " Ian looked down and I finally see what his doing. What the hell is happening?

"Why are you packing you stuff in boxes?" Ian looked back at me with a frown. She didn't? God I hope she didn't.

"They find out Tay and fired me." Omg I can't believe I let this happen.

"I'm sorry Ian really, how could I be so stupid? My best fucking friend told on us." Rage that's all I felt. I can't believe she actually told the headmaster she fucking low.

"Tay it's fine now we can be together." Has he lost his mind I made him loss his job. I'm not worth this.

"Ian I'm sorry I can't." He looked up at me surprised and hurt.

"What no Tay please, just come by my house in a hour and we can talk about this?" I nodded and ran out of his room all the way to my dorm. As soon as I shut the door I fell to my knees and cried.

"Shit Tay are you alright? " Mason sound worried I was hoping he wouldn't be in here. I looked up at Mason but he was not the only one in the room Kelly sat on his bed with her head down. I got to my feet and went right in front of her.

"After everything we fucking been through and you do this to me your best friend?" She didn't look up.

"I'M FUCKING TALKING TO YOU." Mason was by my side then, rage that's all I can feel betrayal and fucking hate.

"I'm sorry." She's got some fucking nerve.

"Your sorry that's all you got to say Kel, they fired him because you couldn't keep you fucking mouth shut did you know that? He got fired because of you." She looked up then she looked mad.

"No Tay he got fired because you can't keep your fucking legs closed." Her eyes got huge. This fucking bitch. I pulled my hand back and slapped her as hard as I could she fell back on the bed.

"Really Kelly I'm the fucking whore here really? If I was such the whore you make me out to be then I could have fucked you boyfriend here behind your back, but I didn't because unlike you I cherished what we had, but you know what fuck you I don't ever want to see you again, get the fuck out." She stood up and walked out the room. Mason turned me in his arms and my head fell on his shoulders and I cried.

"Hey tell me what happened." Mason said as I pulled my head from his chest.

"No you might think of me as a whore to." Mason shook his head.

"I would never think of you that way." I nodded and told him everything I don't know why I guess someone to vent to.

"So you and Mr. Cox's? " I nodded and looked down.

"Hey it's okay you will figure it out." Mason is being really nice and supporting.

"Thanks Mason but I think me and Ian need sometime apart." Mason nodded.

"Yea that's probably best." I hated to do this to Ian after he just got fired but I need time to think. Mason hugs me one more time before I let go.

"Sorry if you lost your girlfriend." Mason smiled.

"You know the reason I was with her so it don't matter." I nodded and grabbed my keys and phone and walked out. Time to go brake this to Ian. God I don't want to but it needs to be done, he lost his fucking job because of me.

Hope you guys like it. Kelly was a real bitch in this chapter? What do yall think? Hope you like it.

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