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Today was going to be bad, well let's hope not. Me and Ian are about to go to the college and get my stuff and I hope to god Mason ain't there. If he is I hope he doesn't say anything out the way to Ian.

We just pulled up at the dorms and me and Ian get out, we get alot of looks from the students walking around. Probably wonder why Ian's back. Ian grabbed my hand and in we went. As I was grabbing my keys I was praying the whole time that Mason would not be in here. I opened the door and there sat Mason seating on his bed on the phone. I looked back at Ian and seen that he was disappointed.

"Hey Tay." Mason kept looking between me and Ian.

"Hey Mason." I went to pack my things as Ian stood by the door starring at Mason. Great.

"What's going on Tay?" I was hoping he wouldn't be here so I could just write him a letter but guess that's to good to be true.

"I don't need a dorm anymore, you will have this whole place to yourself until they get someone new in here." Mason looked at me and then back to Ian.

"Your moving in with him aren't you?" I could see the sadness in his eye's as he looked at me.

"Yes she is." Ian spoke for the first time. Mason's head snapped to Ian's direction.

"Tay you don't have to move out of here I promise I won't make it awkward." He looked so hopeful.

"Mason it's not that I promise it ain't you." He looked at Ian again.

"You asked her to move in with you?" Ian came to stand by me.

"Yes I did, is that a problem? " Ian looked alittle pissed.

"No, but please treat her like the princess she is. You are one lucky man." He smiled at Ian.

"Of course. " Ian grabbed my bags and told me he would be in the car, turning around to see if I had everything Mason was standing right in front of me.

"Tay if you need anything and I mean anything don't hesitant to call me okay?" I nodded and hugged him.

"I'll miss you roomy." I laughed to make light of the moment. We pulled away.

"I'll miss you even more Tay, keep in touch." I nodded and walked out. I am going to miss him.

"Done saying your goodbyes? " I smiled at Ian.

"Someone is jealous." I laughed as I got in the passenger seat. He got in the driver's seat.

"I have nothing to be jealous of, your all mine now." He squeezed my thigh and took off.

"Where are we going?" He glanced at me.

"To get something to eat I know a place I want you to try." Well guess I can seat back and enjoy the ride.

Sorry it's short y'all but please comment and vote.

Please comment your age I would like to see what age group is reading my book.


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