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When I pull up to Ian's it's raining I grab my umbrella and head to the door. God I hope this goes a little better than I imagine it would. I knock once and Ian opens the door.

"Come in." He looked so sad. God I hate Kelly. I go in and sit on the couch, Ian sit beside me.

"Tay I know what your going to say please don't do this." I wish I didn't have to because I think I'm falling hard for Ian.

"Ian you lost your job today because of me." He grabbed my hands and looked me in the eye's.

"I know what I was doing before I even got with you I know this was bond to happen but I chose to do it anyway." His to damn sweet and I care for him alot and that's why I have to give him time.

"Ian I care for you alot but I need time you need time look what just happened, find a new job and get your life together first." He looked pissed. Shit.

"Damnit Tay if you cared about me the way you say you do, you would not do this." I pulled my hands from his it killed me to do this. It's now or never.

"I'm sorry Ian." I got up and got my umbrella and headed to the door.

"Please don't turn your back on me." My hands on the door knob tears rolling down my face. Go Taylor go my mind kept saying and I did I walked out the door in the pouring rain crying with my heart broke. I was walking to my car and Ian grabbed my arm turning me to face him.

"Please don't do this." I wish I didn't but I got to let him go. We are not right for each other I should be dating guys my age. I hate to do this to him but I got to piss him off for him to let me go.

"Ian find a nice women your age be happy and I'm going to try to do the same, have a nice life Ian I wish you well." With that I turned and got in my car when I drove away I left something behind, my heart was in his hands. Looking back in the mirror he was standing there watching me drive away. I can't believe I just did that I just want to go back to my dorm and sleep my life away. Once I get back I text Bonnie and tell her I will call her when I wake up and get in my pjs and go to sleep or more like try.

"Tay are you okay?" Mason walked in the dorm with me in my bed sobbing like a fool.

"I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life." Mason comes over and sits on my bed.

"Why is that?" I broke down and told him everything while he held me tight.

"That was a bitch move for her to do, but I think your doing the right thing here Tay." I think his right but why does it got to hurt so damn bad. I most have fell asleep on Mason cause I woke up a hour later in his arms.

"Mason you didn't have to stay." He held me tighter.

"I wanted to." I smiled and looked up at him.

"You know that your very beautiful and any man will be lucky to have you." God why do these man have to be so sweet.

"Thank you Mason, your not bad yourself. "He smirked.

"So you think I'm hot?" I nodded and blushed damn cheeks.

"Thanks." Shit I got to call or text Bonnie.

"Okay I got to call Bonnie to fill her in." Mason nodded and got up and headed to the door.

"Hey where are you going?" He turned with the door opened.

"Going to let you fill Bonnie in on everything in private. " I nodded and thanked him before he walked out. I grabbed my phone and called Bonnie.

"Hey Tay." Her sweet voice said.

"Hey girl." She laughed.

"So did you find out why Mr. Cox's had to go to the headmasters office?" Here we go.

"Yea I did he got fired." I teared up again.

"Omg what the hell Tay?" She sounded mad.

"Fucking Kelly told on us so he got fired." I heard her grasp.

"What kind of damn friend would do that?"

"Kelly would but that's not it when I came back to the dorm she was there with Mason."

"What, what did you do?" She sound surprised.

"She called me a whore and I slapped her and told her I never wanted to see her again."

"What the fuck? Why would she do that?" Bonnie sound pissed.

"Because she's a bitch." Bonnie busted out laughing.

"You can say that again, hey come over we can have a girls night." That does sound like a plan.

"Okay just let me pack my things and I'll be over text me the address."She said she would and we hung up and I packed a bag and was headed out the door when Mason was coming in.

"You leaving?"

"Yea girls night with Bonnie." He pouted.

"You going to leave me all alone." I laughed and hit his shoulder.

"You will be alright for one night."

"I'm just playing have fun." He gave me a hug and I left. A girls night is what I need right now.

Hope y'all like it. Mason is being a sweetheart, Ian is heartbroken, Taylor is everywhere with her emotions.

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