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I walked in and he took my bag and put it in the room I stayed in last night,  he came back in the livingroom and took my hand leading me to the kitchen. The table was set and it smelled lovely.

"I hope your hungry?" He said pulling out my chair.

"Yes I am and you cooked a southern meal." He laughed and sat down beside me.

"I did I hope you like it." We both started eating just talking here and there.

"It was very good Ian thank you." We were cleaning the kitchen. I just got done wipping the table when I felt him right behind me with his hands on my hips.

"You are very welcome." Kissing up my neck.

"Ian you really want to do this?" He stop with the kisses.

"What do you mean?"

"You could get fired for being with me and I could get kicked out, is it worth it?" He kissed my ear.

"You are very worth it Tay." God please help me.

"So we are going to try it?"

"Yes I would like to be with you." Fuck how am I so lucky?

"Okay because I can't stop thinking about you, your driving me crazy." He laughed and took my hand taking me to the livingroom. We sat down and he put a movie in of course it was a scary movie.

"You tried? "Ian asked playing with my hair.

"A little." He nodded and toke me to the spare bedroom.

"You going to be okay by yourself? "Hell no stay with me.

"Yes thanks again Ian." He came up to me and gave me a kiss.

"Goodnight Tay." He was to sweet.

"Night Ian." He walked out the room when I was under the covers and turned out the light. I could not go to sleep all I could think about was that damn movie. I could not take it no more, I got up and went in Ian's room.

"Taylor you okay?" He asked sitting up in his bed, damn he had no shirt on and that 6 pack was not helping with the heat that is going through me right now.

"Can't sleep."

"Come on get in." I walked over to the other side of the bed and got in as far as I could from Ian. He pulled me to his chest and holy mother of god he only had boxer's on. His fingers ran up and down my back the eventual went to my hip and down to the bottom of my shorts.

"Ian I'm not going to have sex with you." His fingers stopped.

"I know but can I do something for you?" Should I? Is that a fucking question hell yes he can. I nodded and he trailed his fingers to the waistline of my shorts and pulled them down my legs slowly. He pulled my thong to the side and two fingers went inside me and damn did it feel good. I reached up and kissed him his fingers working magic on me. I ran my fingers down to his boxers and reaching inside I pulled him out and holy mother of god he was Huge,  I started pumping slowly at first.

"Damn it baby that feels good." I moaned his fingers are doing things to me I didn't know could be done. Still pumping but a little faster I noticed his paced picked up also and I felt my stomach clinch shit I'm close, he curled his fingers upward driving me over the edge.

"Fuck Ian." Right after I came he did to and I never felt more alive. He went to get cleaned up I pulled my shorts back on. I can't believe I just let my Teacher finger me what the hell was I thinking. I do his drop dead gorgeous and I'm starting to have feelings for him. He came back out of the bathroom and laid in bed pulling me closer to him.

"Sleep with me tonight Tay." It didn't take me long to curl up in his arms and fall asleep.

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