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I turned and spotted Bonnie looking at both of us over confused. Shit, I look at Ian for help but his looking at Bonnie with wide eyes. Well, I'm bout to find out good a friend Bonnie truly is.

"What is going on Tay?" Bonnie asked again.

"Bonnie me and Ian are seeing each other." She looked to me and then to Ian and back again. I thought she was about to blow up on me but she smiled. She fucking smiled.

"Okay I'm happy for you, if your happy." I love this girl. I hugged her as tight as I could.

"Tay I can't breath." Shit I let her go.

"Thanks Bonnie you can be happy for me but my best friend since kindergarten can't,  it shows how much of a good feiend you really are." She smiled at me and Ian.

"If she was any kind a friend she would be happy if you are happy." I hugged her again.

"Thanks Bonnie."

"You welcome now let's go get drunk." She laughed pulling my hand and I grabbed Ian's,  just before we went in the door I dropped Ian's hand.

We hung around the grill for about another hour and we were all drunk beside Ian of course. We were all leaving the grill and Bonnie asked me if I wanted to go home with her.

"No I think I'm going to go back to my dorm I haven't stayed there in awhile." She nodded.

"Okay see you tomorrow." I gave her a hug and she left.

"So your not going with me?" Ian asked leaning against his car.

"No I think I can spend one night at my dorm." He nodded and told me to get in he drop me off. Once we were at my dorms he pecked me and told me he see me in class.

"Okay goodnight." I peck him one more time.

"Night babe." With that I walked in and pulled out my key to my dorm. When I opened the door I did not expect to see Kelly and Mason going at it.

"Oh shit I'm sorry." Mason jumped off of Kelly and his was pretty big, shit no Tay don't look.

"They day you decided to come back and it had to be tonight." Kelly said pissed putting her clothes back on and when see finished she walked right out the dorm without a single word to me.

"Tay I'm really sorry." Mason said he had his boxers on now.

"It's okay Mason it happens to the best of us." I laughed.

"Yea so where have you been?" Great not him to.

"At Bonnie's." Mason nodded and laid down on his bed. I turned my music on still feeling a little bit buzzed. Mason looked at me like I was crazy when I got up and started dancing.

"Tay are you ok?" Mason said over the music.

"Yea just a little buzzed." Mason eye's went wide.

"Your drunk?" I nodded while swinging my hips. He laughed and kept watching me. They way he watched me was not away a friend is supposed to watch you dance. He had a spark in his eye's, he got up off the bed and was walking to me. What is he doing? He came up behind me and grabbed my hips and started dancing with me. I moved my hips from side to side and he followed every move I made, I started grinding into him harder and I heard him groan next thing I know his lips were on my neck sucking. What the hell am I doing? No I'm drunk, what the fuck is he doing?

"Mason stop." He groaned again and I turned around.

"Taylor I want you." What the fuck? He is with Kelly.

"Mason you are with Kelly." He smirked.

"I don't want her I want you Tay, I'm with her to get closer to you." What the actual fuck?

"Mason I can't I'm kind of seeing someone." He nodded his head and backed away, walking to his bed and laid back down. Okay that was weird.

Sorry y'all my phone got turned off try to update more. Hope you like it.

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