Chapter. 23

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I wake up wrapped in Mason arms, I can't believe I did that last night. I am not fully over Ian and I don't think I will over be. I want to give Mason a chance and I figure that mine and Ian connection was sexual but I guess it ain't. When me and Mason slept together I figured the feelings I have for Ian would disappear but they didn't and I feel like shit right now for doing it. I led Mason on I can't truly give myself to him when my heart belongs to someone else. He started to wake up and when he opened his eyes to look at me I smiled.

"Morning." He leaned over and pecked my lips.

"Morning babe." What the hell am I doing? I need to talk to someone about this. Maybe Bonnie will have a girls night out with me so I can vent my feelings to her. Yea I'll call her as soon as I get dressed. I got up out Mason's bed and started to grab my clothes.

"What are you doing Tay get back in here and cuddle with me." I looked back at Mason and he frowned. It most have been written on my face.

"You regret it don't you?" My turn to frown at him.

"No Mason, I mean I don't know what I feel." He stood up and grabbed my hands.

"I knew it was to fast I'm sorry I should have gave you more time to get over him." I shook my head, it's not his fault.

"No Mason I should have not lead you on, I like you but..." He didn't let me finish.

"But you love him?" I nodded and looked down ashamed.

"Hey, it's okay you can't help who your heart choose even though I wish it was me you need to be with who you love Taylor." I look up crying god his so sweet but I wish he would yell at me anything other than standing here telling me that I need to be with Ian.

"You are the sweetest guy I know Mason, I hope you find a girl that will like you as much as you like me and make you happy, I'm really sorry Mason." He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"It's okay Tay it was amazing while it lasted." We both chuckle.

"Yea it was, I need a girls night out with Bonnie." Mason nodded and I went to grab my phone remembering that I had a message from last night I checked it. Looking at the screen with hugh eye's. He texted me.

Hey I know it's been awhile but wanted to let you know I'm not giving up on us Tay, I want you back and I won't stop trying until we are. I miss u :( sexy Ian. Omg, he still wants me? God I got to text Bonnie and fill her in.

Hey alot of shit has gone down, want to have a girls night at the grill? So I can fill you in. ;) Tay.

Yea sure how bout 7 good for you?:) Bonnie.

Yea can you pick me up? Don't feel like driving.Tay.

Sure see you at 7;) Bonnie. I can't wait to tell Bonnie everything, just have a girls night no boys and no drama.

What will happen now? Well I'm not even sure yet lol but I hope its good.  Tbanks for reading y'all.  Please vote and comment. ;)

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