Chapter. 28

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We pulled up to this cute diner, we got out and went in and got a spot at the bar. Ian order for us. When we got our food, we ate and chatted a bit. I can't believe I'm moving in with him, don't get me wrong I love the idea. It's just I'm scared that he will get tried of me and send me packing and then I'm screwed. Ian decided to get dessert which was strawberry shortcake,  it was like heaven in my mouth. This is nice being able to go in public with Ian.

"Good huh?" Ian grinded.

"It's heaven." I said with a mouth filled with cake.

"This is my favorite place to eat." Right after he said that my phone rang. Shit it's my mom or my house phone calling me. I looked up at Ian and told me to answer.

"H-hello" I said nervous.

"Hey honey were you busy?" My mom's sweet voice said through the phone.

"No mom what's up?"

"Nothing I haven't heard from you I figured I give you a call." Damn she had me worried there for a minute,  looking at Ian.

"I have been busy moving my stuff, sorry." Ian was continuing eating the cake, god I hope he don't eat it all.

"I understand, so how is living with the new roommate? "

"Good mom, everything is fine." Ian tapped me and held up the fork with the last bite of cake on it. I tried to take the cake from him but he kept pulling it away shaking his head.

"Ian give..." shit my mom grasped on the other end of the phone, I looked at Ian with wide eye's and he smiled.

"Honey who's Ian?" Shit, shit, shit.

"Um." God what the hell do I say? I looked back at Ian for answers but he just shook his head.

"Is it a boy?" Of course mom.

"Yes?" My answer came out like a question. Wait for 1 2 3.

"Omg honey your seeing someone?" Do I tell her the truth? What will she think?

"Yes mom." There it's out.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It just slipped my mind mom." She laughed and said how does that slip your mind.

"Is he hot?" Only my mother.

"Mom I gotta go okay I will call you tonight okay?" Please say okay.

"Okay honey bye love you."

"Love you to." With that I hung up. I looked over at Ian he looked nervous.

"You told her?" He asked taking my hand.

"Yes." He smiled.

"Good. " what the hell?

"Why is it good? " he bend down and pecked my lips.

"Now everyone important to you knows." Great, when they find out his age they are going to flip. Let's hope she don't want me to bring him home for the holidays.

I know it's been awhile I'm really sorry. Kind of a boring and short. I won't be updating until after the holidays got littles one to spend time with.

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