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When I got to Bonnie's flat she was standing outside waiting for me. Parking my car and getting out grabbing my bag.

"Hey did you find it ok?" Bonnie asked.

"Yea this place is nice." She laughed and we made our way up to her flat. This is exactly what I need. Her apartment is great, very nice two bedroom apartment.

"So I planed everything out, we going to order some pizza talk about all our problem and drink something get waisted and play some games and get made over, how does that sound?" Bonnie is the freaking best this is just what I need.

"Hell yeah sounds like a plan." We play some music and play some games, we ordered the pizza it should be here any minute now. Just then the door bell rang Bonnie went to get. After a couple slices of pizza she brought out the vodka.

"We going to play a drinking game ok?" Bonnie said with that silly smile on her face.

"We going to play Never have I ever." Really good I'm going to be drunk.

"Okay let's start." Bonnie wanted to go first.

"Never have I ever been skinny dipping." I looked at Bonnie and smile taking the shot.

"Really when?"Bonnie is laughing at me right now.

"Back at home in my pool with my ex." It was a good night I remember how nervous I was.

"Never have I ever had a three some." Neither one of us drank to that one.

"Okay this is getting boring what do you want to do now?" Bonnie tapped her chin thinking.

"Tell me what happened after you left Ian's. " I knew this was coming but I need to talk about it.

"I went back to my dorm and cried, Mason came in and laid with me and I fell asleep on him and when I woke up he was still there watching me sleep." Bonnie frowned her eye brows but then a Huge smile came on her face.

"What's with the smile." She laughed.

"You want to get back at Kelly right?" Ok where is this going?

"Yea of course I do, why?" There came that creepy smile again.

"Okay here's the plan, we wake up early in the morning and get all fancied up and you are going to get Mason to fall at you feet and kiss him in front of Kelly." I smiled this was a good idea but what about Mason? That would led him on.

"What about Mason? What about my feelings for Ian?" Bonnie look like she was thinking.

"This could be good, I know you still care for Ian but you said you wanted to get over him so why not began with Mason?" She does have a point. I looked at the clock and seen that it was one in the morning. Shit if we were going to get up early then we need to get some sleep.

"Okay that's the plan but we need to go to bed to get some sleep before in the morning." She nodded and we made our way to her room to get some sleep.

The alarm was blasting me and Bonnie both groaned and got up to get started with our drop dead gorgeous look so I can have Mason falling at my feet today when I go back to college. Me and Bonnie curled the ends of our hair and got dressed, once we were finished we grabbed our bags and made our way to school. We pulled up and guess who was sitting outside campus talking? You guessed it Mason and Kelly. Here goes nothing.

"Okay remember our plan?" I nodded and we made our way to them.

Thanks for reading y'all, hope you like it so far.

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