Chapter. 21

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After Mason and I got ready we got a cab to Bonnie's, when we got there she came out with Jeremy she was hot in her tight zebra print dress. That girl could pull any outfit off. Once she got into the cab she gave me hug.

"So were are we going?" She looked at me then Mason and smirked.

"Just this club I know." Mason replied looking at Jeremy.

"Oh sorry Jer this Mason, Mason this is Jeremy." Bonnie pointed to the boys as she said there name. They did that bro hand shake thing.

"Nice to meet you man." Mason said. Everyone started talking and before we know it we are at the club, Mason walks right up to the guy at the door and he lets us in.

"This place is nice." Mason smiled and nodded his head.

"You want a drink?"

"Yea get me a shot of vodka." He raised a eyebrow.

"Just go get my drink." He laughed and him and Jeremy left to get our drinks.

"So you and Mason?" Bonnie asked as soon as they left.

"I don't know I'm still not over Ian." She shook her head.

"Babe to get over him give Mason a chance." I nodded and they returned with our drinks. We threw them back and went to the dance floor.

Mason grabbed my hips from behind and we started dancing. I was grinding against his front when his fingers trailed up my arm.

"I have been waiting to dance with you again." He whispered in my ear, his soft lips touch it sending goosebumps all down me. I pushed my ass more into his growing bulge and he groaned.

"Sweetheart if you don't stop I'm not going to be able to control myself from bending you over one of these tables and fucking you infront of your friends." Why the hell did that just turn me on? Omg what is wrong with me?

"Later big boy." I laughed at his huge eyes. We left the dance floor to get another drink. Bonnie and Jer is on the dance floor still grinding on each other. Mason came back with another shot and I was about to down it when he stopped me. He held up his shot.

"To us." I clicked my glass with his and we downed it.

"Let's go dance one more time before I take you back to our dorm and show you the time of your life." I laughed and pulled him to the dance floor. Grinding on him hard and slow was driving him crazy, he would groan in my ear every once in awhile. When I virbrated on him I think that did it. He turned me around and crashed his lips to mine. When we pulled away we were both breathing heavy.

"Let's go find Bonnie and Jeremy so I can take you home." I nodded and we went to say bye to Bonnie and Jeremy with she was leaving with him too. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I can't wait to get to the dorm.

Sorry it's been so long been caught up in a book. Hope y'all like it.

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