Chapter. 8

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Somebody turn out the damn lights god don't you see a girl trying to sleep here shit. Then last nights events came back to me full force. I did naughty things to my Teacher and I let him do things to me, shit I'm still in his bed and I feel him trailing kisses along my jaw.

"Good morning beautiful. "Did he not look in the mirror today cause he is the beautiful one.

"Morning." I turned to face him and he had a big smile on his face.

"What's that face?" He smirked.

"What face?" He questioned.

"That face." I said smiling.

"I'm happy." Aww that's the cutest thing. Oh shit I bet Mason told Kelly I didn't come back last night, she is going to load me with questions.

"Ian what am I going to tell my friends?" He looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I don't really know anybody here so what am I suppose say when she asks me where I stayed?" He look like he was thinking. God I'm so busted.

"Tell her you got lost and you brought a motel room." Well that could work. Ian started running his fingers up and down my thigh.

"What are you doing?" His eye's were hooded and I knew exactly what was on his mind.

"A repeat?" It was very tempting but I had to get a shower and head back.

"Ian I got to shower and head back." He frowned at me.

"Why in such a hurry?" His blue eye's shining bright.

"I wish I didn't have to." I kissed him and got up to go shower, once the water was hot enough I got in and washed my hair. As soon as I was about to reach for the body wash I heard the bathroom door shut. Shit Ian's in here with me in the shower. The only thing separating us was the shower door. I could see his figure through the steamy glass was he getting undressed, oh hell. Ian opened the door and get in the shower with me.

"What are you doing?" He smirked.

"I promise I won't do anything I just want to wash this beautiful body of yours." He grabbed the body wash and started to run his hands up and down my body, his driving me insane. He lingered a little to long on my private areas and it made me want him more and more but I'm about to get pay back.

"My turn." I grabbed the body wash putting some on my hands and running them down his chest and back, then down his ass all the way to his feet, coming back up his legs in the front and when I reached his private areas I grasped it rubbing it soft and slow. He throw his head back and groaned.

"Taylor inless you want to relieve him I would stop." I smirked and grasped his balls washing them also he hissed.

"Baby you better stop before I bend you over and take you like I want right now." I hate to say it but damn that made me wet. I can't sleep with him his my Teacher for fucks sake but damn it's tempting I got to get out of here.

"As much as I want you to I have to go Ian." I kissed him and got out getting dressed, when I was putting my shoes on he came out the bathroom with nothing but a towel hung low on his waist it took all my power to leave.

"See you tomorrow at class." He nodded and went to go put some clothes on to drive me close my dorm to drop me off.

Once I walk in my dorm Mason tells me that Kelly has been looking for me, I hope she believes my lie. I put my stuff down and text her to tell her I'm back, she texts back said she be here in a minute, great here we go. Please god let her believe me.

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