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When I got ready I texted Bonnie to tell her she can come pick me up. I decided to wear a black dress and my hair down. While I was waiting for Bonnie downstairs Kelly came up to me. Great here we go.

"Look I know your pussed with me and I know what you did with Mason was revenge, but Tay I'm sorry." Did she really think a sorry was go just going to work.

"Kelly I know I can forgive you one day but I don't see that day coming anytime soon. " with that I walked away to Bonnie's car that pulled up.

"What was that about?" She asked as soon as I got in.

"She said she was sorry." I frowned.

"Did you forgive her?"

"Hell no, I know I will one day but not anytime soon." Bonnie nodded and we pulled up at the Grill.

We were seating at the bar drinking, that's when I spotted Jeremy at the end the bar serving guys down there. Bonnie followed my stare and smiled.

"So spill what happen with you and Mason?" Bonnie said wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed.

"Well, we slept together and the next morning I woke up in his arms, I thought if I slept with Mason my feelings for Ian would go away but they didn't. Mason told me I was in love with Ian and told me to go get him." Wow that was I mouth full.

"He did omg Tay, what are you going to do?" I frowned.

"I have no clue Bon, but I do care alot about Ian and I think I do love him." She smiled.

"I knew it, then you need to be with him no matter what." I think she might be right. Oh yeah that reminds me the text message.

"Look at this." I handed her my phone. She looked at the text message and gasped.

"Omg Tay did you write him back?" I shook my head.

"What you have to text him back Tay." I nodded and took a sip of my drink.

"I will tonight when I get home."

"Let's go play pool." We got up and made our way to the pool tables.

After about three games of pool and about three drinks later we were buzzed. It was getting late so we decided to leave. I waited outside for her to tell Jeremy bye, she came back out and unlocked the door as soon as I opened there was someone standing in front of me blocking my path, when I looked up there stood the one man I can't get out my head. Ian.

"Tay hear my out please." I nodded then remembered Bonnie can't drive she has been drinking.

"Just please come with me to my house so we can talk? " I looked at Bonnie and she nodded, looking back to Ian.

"Okay, but Bonnie you can't drive you have been drinking." She smiled at me and Ian.

"Oh don't worry about me Tay I can get a ride with Jeremy, so go talk ok." I nodded and walked to Ian's car with him.

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