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When we got to the house I was still freaking out about the phone call with my mom. I know her to well, she will want to meet Ian and break is coming up. What the hell am I going to do? Ian most have seen it written on my face cause as soon as our asses sat down he started questioning me.

"Was it that bad? " I turned to face him.

"No it's not bad that I told her, it's just she's going to want to meet you and break is coming up." Ian smiled like this was a damn joke or something.

"What scared dear ol mommy is going to steal me from you?" What the fuck did that come from?

"Ian no, I'm scared she not going to approve cause of the age." He looked at me like I lost my mind.

"There's nothing she can do Tay." He grabbed my hand.

"Yea but I would like her to approve,  It's not really her I'm worried about it's dad." He looked scared there for a minute.

His not going to brake out the guns is he?" I laughed at him.

"No he will probably disown me." Ian frown.

"If he does that's his lost, baby I will go meet your parents with you if you want me to. But just remember your parents or anybody else will not brake us up, I love you." With that he reach over and pecked my lips. Why is it that he knows all the right things to say? I hope his right.

"Okay we will worry about that when the time comes." Ian smiled and turned on a movie for us to watch. We cuddled for hours, my phone beeb saying I had a message.

Hey you moved out your dorm? Bonnie. Shit I forgot to tell her she is going to kill me.

Yeah I'm sorry things have been crazy but I moved in with Ian. Tay. She is about to cusr me out.

How come you didn't tell me I see how it is. Bonnie. Shit.

I'm sorry Bon really I have a couple crazy days, I'll make it up to you promise. Tay.

You better you little hussy, make sure he wraps it. Bonnie.

I will maybe tomorrow we can go shopping? Tay.

Hell yeah now we are talking see yeah. Bonnie.

Bye boo. Tay.

"Who was that?" Ian said cuddle up to me.

"It was Bonnie I forgot to tell her I moved here."

"How she take it?"

"Not to bad we are going shopping tomorrow and hang out some." He hugged me tighter. This is my life now and it's great.

I know it's short but didn't know where to go with it. Sorry guys.

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