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Me and Bonnie was running around Victoria Secret like a crazy person, no let's get this right Bonnie is running around like a crazy person. She's showed me all sorts of stuff that I would not wear. I however picked a pink and black lacy set and some extra panties that I need very bad. Once we paid for my stuff Bonnie and I was walking to the parking lot.

"Ian is going to die when he see you in this." Bonnie smirked. We got in Ian's car and drove back to her place so I could drop her off.

"Hey, talk with him about meeting your parents after you do the deed." She winked and grabbed her bags.

"Call me if you need me." I nodded and said goodbye, it was dark now I can't believe we have been shopping all day just about. God do I miss him. When I pulled in the driveway the kitchen and livingroom light was on. I walked through the door and he yelled for me to get cleaned up dinner will be ready when I got out.

Taking my bags to the bedroom expect the Victoria Secret bag I toke to the bathroom with me so I could hide it under the sink for later. I jumped in the shower washing every part of my body and shaving all the areas that needed it. Getting dressed in one of his black button up shirts and a black pair of cotton shorts, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen where he had our plates made and sitting there waiting for me to join him.

Once I sat down we started eating he asked me how my day was.

"Me and Bonnie had fun bought alot of good stuff, how bout you?" He smiled a sad smile.

"I missed the hell out of you." He said as he pressed his lips to mine. I ran my tongue along his bottom lip and he opened letting me slid my tongue in to dance with his. He groaned and stood up off his stool not breaking the kiss to stand in between my thighs,  I pulled back before he could go any further.

"Let me do the dishes since you cooked us this lovely meal." He groaned again and grabbed our plates taking them to the sink.

"Your such a tease." I put my arms around him.

"I'm going to the bathroom when I return the dishes better be waiting for me." With that I walked out rushed to our bathroom and grabbed the bag and changed into the outfit I got for him, putting the clothes I had on before back on over it. I headed back down to the kitchen where he was wipping the table. I went up behind him and kissed his neck up to his ear.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up I will finish this." I whispered in his ear before pulling it with my teeth lightly. He turned and pecked my lips before dashing to the bathroom with me giggling like a fucking school girl. As soon as I heard the shower running I toke the clothes I had on over my outfit and started cleaning the kitchen back up.

About ten minutes later I heard a grasp and I knew it was Ian just walking into the kitchen seeing me only in my oufit that I got just for him. I felt his arms go around my waist from behind and his head resting on my shoulder.

"Your fucking killing me Taylor." I smiled and I could feel his hugh friend poking my lower back. Turning around in his arms to face him.

"And what do you plan on doing about it?" I asked in a husky voice, running my hands down his bare chest.

"I'm going to take you to bed and fuck you till I can't go no more." Goosebumps rose all over my body and a grasp left my lips.

"Then what are you waiting for baby." With that said he grabbed me up and made his way upstairs before throwing me on the bed. Oh no buddy I'm in control tonight, I got up and went to him pushing him back until he was on the bed. Pulling his pants down and then going to the radio and turning on some music. He smirked but when I started to roll my hips in a slow and sexy way his jaw hit the floor. Swaying my hip left to right and then circular motion, I could see him trying to restrain himself. He sat at the edge of the bed watching me with hooded eyes.

I walked over to where he was sitting on the bed and started dancing in front of him teasing him in ways I know he would brake and take me hard and fast which is exactly what I want. I turned my back to him and slowly started moving my hips on his lap, I heard him moan and grabbed my hips.

"Tay you have to stop or I won't be able to control myself." There is the sign ladys and gentlemen, I started to grind harded and slower,  that's when he stood me up and pulled the thong down my legs and bend me over the bed.

"Fuck Tay you did this to yourself." With that he slammed into me with so much force I had to catch myself from falling over on the bed. I could feel every glorious inch of him and it was getting me wetter and wetter. I started moving my hips the same way as I did before before he grabbed them and stopped me from moving.

"It's my turn baby, so hold on it's going to be a ruff ride." With that he slammed into me over and over again going deeper every thrust he made.

"Fuck Ian." I moaned feeling tingling sensation all the way to my toes which made me push back on him as he thrust into me which made him hit places no one has every hit before. My climax was on the edge of braking when he pushed downwards and that done it.

"I-IAN." I moaned like a thousand times since we started. He groaned at the feeling of my walls tightening around him.

"Damn." He pushed deeper if that was possible and a few minutes later I felt his hot seed shoot in me as we clasped on the bed. I reached up and laid my head on his chest.

"It sure was a ruff ride but damn did I enjoy every minute of it." He laughed and kissed my forehead. He put his boxer's back on and pulled the covers down and told me to get under. Now is when I need to talk to him about break. I got to put my worrys behind me and get this over with. Here goes nothing.

Sorry cliff hanger.  Hope yall like it, please let me know. Thanks for reading;) please vote.

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