Chapter. 36

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After we had our arguments me and Ian went up to the guest room that was right across the hall from mine. As soon as we got in the room he took me in his arms for a passionate kiss.

"I knew you cared but I didn't know you cared that much." I smiled as he pulled back to look at me.

"I care way more than you think Ian." With that his lips were back on mine.

"So this is where you will be sleeping, my dad is not going to let you sleep in the same room as me." He laughed.

"I can tell."

"Well, I will leave you to unpack and then come get you at dinner time." I pecked him one more time before going to my old room.

When I walked in Rose was sitting on my bed. When she heard the door open she looked up.

"So, his your boyfriend? " she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yea." I laughed and took a sit beside her on my bed.

"You know mom would never let me come in here while you were gone?" I looked at her looking around my room with a frown on her face.

"Well, as long as you don't touch nothing then you can come in here whenever you want. " she smiled at me and then through her arms around me.

"I missed you Tay." God did I miss her.

"I missed you to Rose." She pulled back and said one thing I did not expect her to say.

"He is hot." I looked at her with shocked eyes.

"Alright that's enough, go so I can unpack." She giggled and stood up to leave but stopped at the door.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Jake moved back." Shit that's all I need is to run into him. With that she was out the door. I got up and went to my dresser and picked up the picture of me and Jake. We broke up cause he wanted to move to fast, no I was not a virgin but I had just got out of a bad relationship with my first who used me and I was not ready for Jake to be another Brandon, so he dumped me. I really hope I don't see him.

I heard my mom yell dinner was ready so I went over to the guest room where Ian was sitting on the bed with a bunch of papers spread out.

"Hey, dinners ready come on." He smiled and took my hand and followed me to the dinning room.  My mom and dad started talking with Ian and it was going pretty well while we were eating. Rose kept looking at Ian and when he turned and caught her gaze she would blush and look down at her plate.

"Ian, do you love my sister?" Rose asked Ian which made me chock on my food, Ian looked at me and smiled.

"Yes I do Rose." Rose smiled and started eating again. The rest of dinner went smoothly,  when we were finished me and Ian did the dishes. I felt him come up behind me and whispered in my ear.

"Your family seems nice enough." He said kissing down my neck. I turned and put my arms around his neck.

"I do want to go out?" He pulled back and smiled.

"Yea sure, where to?" My old spot here I come.

"This club I know where I can drink." He nodded and said he would go get ready. I ran up to my room to do the same. Once I was showered and dressed I went to Ian's room and we were heading downstairs to the livingroom.

"Mom, dad we are going out don't wait up." Mom smiled and dad frowned.

"Don't come home to late." Dad said.

"Yes sir, if its late we will get a room." I don't think he liked that idea but I didn't stick around for his reply.

We pulled up to Malibu and got out, waiting in the line to get in. I miss this part of home the shops, food , and bars.

"Is that you Tay?" Kyle said, I haven't seen him in forever.

"Yes it's me Kyle." Ian's arm tightened around my waist when Kyle lend in to give me a hug.

"Damn girl it's been awhile, he with you? " I nodded and he stamped both of our hands.

"It's good having you back, have fun."

"Thanks Kyle." With that we walked in the club. Once we were at a table Ian started questioning me about Kyle.

"Please tell me his not a ex." Ian asked as we took our seats.

"No, just a friend, want a drink?" Ian nodded and we went up to the bar.

"I'll take a sex on the beach, what do you want Ian?" He smirked at me.

"A beer is fine." The guy went to get our drinks when a song came on I liked. Once we had our drinks I pulled Ian to the dance floor to dance.

After dancing to the whole song Ian offered to go get more drinks, I stayed on the dance floor dancing. I was shaking my ass when a set of hands where on my hips grinding with me. God I can't wait to get him to a motel. Wait? If Ian's hands are on my hips then where are our drinks? Turning slowly I came face to face with Jake. Shit, his hands still rested on my hips.

"What the hell are you doing Jake?" I moved away from him only for him to step back up to me and place his hands back on my hips.

"Just dance with me baby." He said trying to dance with me. I pushed him away, I seen Ian coming with our drinks looking pissed.

"No Jake you need to leave." Jake smiled and tried to come at me again but Ian's hand stopped him. Jake turned to look at Ian.

"What the fuck man?" Jake yelled at Ian, this is not going to be good at all.

"Stay the hell off my girlfriend. " Jake looked back at me.

"So you got a boyfriend?" I nodded.

"Yes I do and I think you should leave Jake." Ian looked at me and back to Jake.

"You know each other?" Ian asked looking at me.

"Yes we do, she used to be mine but I dumped her cause she wasn't putting out, so man your wasting your time." As soon as Jake closed his mouth Ian punched him, making Jake fall into a table. Damn that was one hell of a hit. I grabbed Ian's arm and pulled him out of the club as fast as I could.

"We got go come on." We ran out to the parking lot and stop to catch our breath. Damn Jake for ruining my night out.

"Tay?" I looked up at Ian and shock my head. I flagged I cab so we could go get a room.

Once we were in our room Ian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed the top of my head.

"Tell me Tay, please?" Ian wanted to know about my past relationships. I walked out his arms to go sit on the bed. Here goes nothing. After Ian joined me on the bed I began.

"Okay it started with Brandon, I thought he loved me after being together for six months so I gave into to him and let him have his way with me on our six month anniversary." I stopped not wanting to remember the horrible times, Ian grabbed my hand.

"After he got what he wanted he broke up with me the next morning, I was completely broken. That was until Brandon moved away and Jake moved in town. After two months of Jake trying to get with me, I finally caved and we dated for a year, Jake said that he couldn't take it no more and wanted to have sex with me, I wasn't ready and he got pissed and told me to leave his house, I did but the next day at school he broke up with me in front of the whole school." Ian hugged me tight with my head in his chest.

"Baby I'm sorry. " I cried in his chest and he held me tight and let me get it all out.

"They are dicks Tay, don't cry over them assholes." I loved this man with every cell in my body. Even with the sad story I just told I can still feel the heat in my core for this man.

"Ian, make love to me?" Ian looked down at me.

"You don't have to ask." With that he laid me down and showed me just how much he loved me to.

Sorry it's been so long, I have bad writers block. Hope y'all liked it. Not to many more chapters before the book is completed. Please vote and comment.


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