Chapter. 13

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Ian reached for a condom in his nightstand, he ran his fingers all over my body. Going down to my already heated core, rubbing my nub making me moan his name before entering two fingers in me driving me fucking insane. I love this I have a strong pull to this man that I have never had with anyone else. I ran my hands down his body slowly taking in every inch of him, he was breath taking.

"Baby you feel so good better than I had imagined." His words made the heat in my core that much stronger.

"I want you now please." I begged him I need him in me now. He pushed in me slow letting me get the feel of him.

"So tight damn." I don't know why but his dirty words turned me on even more I never was in to dirty talking before but when they come out of those sexy lips of his they just did things to me.

He rocked into me slow and long taking his time, we were both enjoy this moment but I wanted more so much more.

"Ian baby faster please." He pushed deeper but not faster driving insane.

"Say my name again." With every word he spoke the deeper he went.

"Go faster." He started to pick up his pace and it felt behond bliss the heat radiating through me was nothing I have ever felt.

"I can't if I go any faster I will loss the control I have right now, I don't want to hurt you." God his words.

"You won't please Ian." That's all it took for him to go even faster and harder and fucked did it feel good.

"Damnit Tay talk dirty to me." I can't even find my words as he pumped into me hard hitting my Gspot.

"Fuck Ian harder." He pumped faster and harder than before hitting my walls, my stomach clenched.

"That's right baby tighten around me Fuck." I was almost there I started meeting his thrust and I exploded I couldn't hang on any longer, he didn't stop though kept pumping in me hard and fast till I felt his body jerk and he clasped on me but kept his weight off of me. He kissed me passionate and ran his hands down my body to my ass and squeezed.

"That was better than I ever imagined, and the best that I have ever had." Good because I want so much more of him even now after we just finshed all I can think about is doing it again and again,  I feel like I got this sexual pull to him.

"Good cause we will be doing it alot more." He laughed and got up to go get cleaned up, all I could think about is Kelly better not open her mouth cause either way he was mine I would drop everything for him. Ian came back out the bathroom and laid down pulling me to his chest.

"We are together right?" He sounded unsure and I didn't like it, I was his and his only.

"Yes." He squeezed me closer to him running his fingers up and down my back leaving goosebumps in his path.

"Good I don't want you with anybody else but me." My heart just literally fucking stopped, how did I get so lucky?

"And you are all mine." I said running my fingers up and down his chest looking in those ice blue eyes.

"You damn right I am." Reaching down to kiss me, you know how girls say they feel butterflies? Mine is fucking lighting bolts.

Hope y'all are liking it so far.
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