Chapter. 32

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"Ian we have to talk." His hand froze on my arm, when I looked up at him he had this confused but sad face.

"Well, this can't be good." He said and frowned.

"No it's nothing bad I don't think." He signed and turned on the lamp.

"Okay what do you want to talk about?" Here goes nothing.

"About break coming up?" I didn't know if he had something planned or not.

"What about it?"

"Well, since my mom knows about you she's going to want to meet you. I know she will ask me to bring you, so are you okay with meeting my parents? " god I am a nervous wreck right now. I glanced at Ian and he looked in deep thought. What if he don't want to meet my parents? I'm going to look so stupid right now if he doesn't.

"Tay of course I will." Thank goodness. I smiled at him.

"Really? I'm going to worn you my dad is not going to be happy about our age difference, he may yell at me and you. And more than likely disown me." Ian pulled me in his lap and kissed my cheek.

"Then that's his loss, cause then I will have you all to myself." I giggled as he kept planting kisses all over my face and neck.

"Aww, oh and my mom is going to go crazy over you, she's like a eighteen year old stuck in a fourty year olds body." He laughed at that.

"Good at least someone will love me." If you only knew Ian.

"Hey, I love you." I playful hit his chest.

"Say it again." I looked at him confused.


"Please say it again." I knew what he was talking about.

"I love you. " he smiled and pulled me closer.

"And I love you Taylor." His words just made me the happiest women alive. He made it easier to forget what is ahead of us when I take him to meet my parents. He laid down and pulled me on his chest and covered us up.

"Tay everything will be okay, and even if it ain't nobody and I mean nobody will come between us." He just melted my heart, just then I knew everything was going to be okay no matter what the outcome will be. I leaned up and kissed him.

"Goodnight baby, I love you." He smiled and pecked me one more time.

"Night Tay, I love you more." With that we laid in each other's arms and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Okay so I know it's short but I don't know if it good or not, nobody has commented on this story so I don't know if y'all like it or not. So I don't updated often anymore. Please continue to vote thanks.

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