Chapter. 1

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Today is the day I leave my hometown to go to college, I'm happy and sad. I have never left South Carolina but today is the day I do. I put the last bag in the car and turned to my family.

"Rose I'm going to miss you." I hugged my little sister.

"I will miss you to Tay stay out of trouble, not." She laughed and hugged my back, next was my mom and dad.

"Bye mom I will miss you the most shh don't tell them." She laughed and hugged me real tight, me and my mom was really close.

"Make sure you call as soon as your settle." God I'm going to miss her.

"Dad keep them in check ok?" I hugged him and whispered in his ear that would miss him to.

"I will baby you stay safe in Taxes okay?"

"Sure will I love you guys." They said they loved me and I hopped in the car with my best friend Kelly. I wave one last time before making our way to the airport. Yes she is going to the same college and its great that I will have at lest one friend there but we might not be rooming together that sucks. We got on the plane and was off to our new life as college kids.

"Tay do you need anything before I go to sleep I don't want to be jet leg when we get there?" That sounds like a good idea it will make the plane ride shorter.

"No kel I think I'm going to do the same wake me up if you get up before me." She nodded and got comfy and plugged my ear phones in and drifted off to sleep. I woke up to Kelly shaking me, god I slept that long.

"Come on lets go see these hot college cowboys." I laughed at her and we got our bags and got cab to campus. It was Huge and its very hot here but I like it so far. We walked to the office to get our room numbers and classes. I got mine and looked at Kelly's her room number was close to mine but not the same. My roommate was a guy's name great I hope his clean. His name was Mason Grey god I hope this goes well. I walk in the dorm there is two beds, dressers, desks, and closets and a bathroom in the middle of the room. I walk down a hall and end up in a small kitchen. I go seat on one bed and I hear the door being opened and I look up to this hot ass guy, he has dark brown hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Tall dark and handsome with some tatts that your mom tells you to stay away from.

"Hey you most be Taylor?" He said in a husky voice.

"Yea you most be Mason?" I said as I looked at him from head to toe.

"Yea nice to me you." I shook his hand and he went to the other side of the room, damn Kelly is going to die to hear this one. I unpacked my stuff as did Mason when I got done I texted Kelly to see if she was done.

"Yea,do you want to walk around campus to see our classes?" That sounds like a good idea.

"Yea see you in a few." I put my phone in my back pocket.

"You leaving already?" Mason asked.

"Yea me and my friend is going to walk around campus to see where our classes are."

"Ok let me know if I can help." I nodded and there was a knock on the door.

"Hey you ready?"

"Yea just let me grab my key just in case Mason leaves." She nodded and I went to grab my key.

"Mason this is my best friend Kelly, Kelly this is my roomy Mason." They shook hands and we walked out after telling Mason bye.

Kelly kept talking about how hot Mason was and her roomy was hot but not like Mason. We walked around campus finding all of our classes, I met all my Teacher's but one my last class and it was math. Me and Kelly had only two classes together, it sucked but at least we had those. I can't wait till tomorrow to start. I hope it goes good.

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