Chapter. 2

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Once we were done walking around campus finding our classes we went to the cafe on campus,  grabbing a slice of pizza and a mt.dew we sat down beginning to eat our food when Mason and a couple of his friends came in. He spotted me and waved, when the got their food they came over to us.

"Hey Taylor these are my friends Colton, Jake, and Luke, guys this is my roomy Taylor and her friend Kelly." They said there hellos they are hot and sexy as hell.

"Do y'all mind if we seat with y'all? " god of course not.

"No go ahead." I looked at all the guys, we all couldn't fit in a booth but Luke got a chair and put it at the end of the table closer to me and I bout fainted.

"So are y'all excited about your first day tomorrow? " asked Luke.

"Yea I am." Kelly said can't wait.

The all started talking with each other and I saw Kelly making googly eyes at Colton this is so going to be fun when we leave. I'm going to give her hell for crushing,  but I can't say anything because Luke is looking pretty yummy right now himself. After we all was done eating we went to our dorms cause we had class tomorrow.

"By Tay see you in the morning, night Mason." Kelly said and Mason told her goodnight. We got in the room I headed straight to my pjs so I could shower.

"Hey Mason can I jump in the shower first?"

"Yea I will take one after you."

"Okay thanks." After he said you welcome I went in and washed my oily hair and shaved once I washed I got out putting on my short cotton shorts and tank top I walked out to Mason laying on his bed, he looked me up and down before he cleared his throat.

"Are you finished?" I nodded and he went in. I laid on my bed after picking my clothes out for tomorrow. It was hot in here so I didn't put the covers on me. I was playing on my phone when a shirtless Mason came out and damn he had a sexy six pack going on. He coughed and I looked up at him blushing.

"You don't mind me sleeping in just boxers do you?" Aw hell.

"No it's fine it is kind of warm in here." He shook his head and laid in his bed.

"Night roomy."

"Night Mason." We turned out the lights and went to bed.

The next morning I got woke up by Mason telling me to get my ass up and get ready or I was going to be late, I got up got dressed in some light blue jean shorts and a pink tank top with my rainbows grabbing my bag and keys I went to go meet Kelly. I knocked on Kelly's door and she came out we had the same class to start with but after that I was on my on. I met a few people at lunch it was going great so far I got one more class left and that's the teacher that I haven't met yet. I walked and sat down by Mason good at least I know somebody in these class.

"How is it going so far?" Mason asked as soon as I sat down.

"Good I like it." Right when Mason was about to reply the teacher walked in, damn he was fucking hot no that's not even close, I think I was drooling I could not close my mouth I was drinking in his dark hair nice ass, pretty blue eye's and well defined body fuck. I wanted to jump him right here in this class. He sat down behind his desk calling out people's name's so he could get to know them.

"You can close your mouth now." Mason snapped me out off it.

"What does anybody see in him?" I looked at Mason like he has lost his mind.

"What? Your hot but god damn that man is sex on a stick." Mason smirked. Shit I just said my roommate was hot great.

"Taylor Smith?" The teacher said, I stood bitting my lip.

"Hey I'm Taylor but my friends call me Tay, I'm from South Carolina, I'm studying for accounting." I seen his eye's go up and down my body. Just the heat from his eye's made me want to melt.

"Thank you Taylor,  I'm Mr. Cox pleasure to meet you." I smiled.

"You to sir." I sure would love to give you some pleasure.

Hope y'all like it so far.

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