Chapter. 34 (Meeting the parents)

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Meeting the parents!

Ian and I just got done getting ready to go meet my parents. I'm really nervous at hiw this is going to play out. Ian just took our bags to the car while I text my mom to tell her we are about to leave.

Good, can't wait to see you and your sugar pie. Have a safe trip I will see you at the airport.Love you.

Okay mom, love you to.

I walked down to the kitchen to get me a glass of water when Ian came up behind me and was kissing up my neck.

"Baby it will be okay." He said while he was rubbing my stomach.

"I hope you're right Ian, I really do." He turned me to face him when I put my cup in the sink.

"Look if anything goes bad we can stay in a hotel, but I'm sure everything will be ok." I nodded and reached up and pecked him on the lips.

"Okay now come on we have a plane to catch." I took his hand and went to the car for the journey to the airport.

Once we were boarded on the plane my nerves got worse, my plams were sweaty, my leg non stop bouncing, Ian most have noticed cause he put his hand on my thigh to stop me from bouncing.

"Baby it's going to be ok stop stressing." He kissed my neck which calmed me a little.

"I'm just so scared Ian my family means the world to me." He looked me in the eye.

"And you mean the world to me." He came in for a passionate kiss thats made me forget what I was even nervous about to start with.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep I will wake you up when we land." That sound like a pretty good idea.

"Thanks baby." I leaned my head on his arm and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

I got woken up by Ian shaking me with a big smile on his face, I smiled back.

"Baby, we are here."Here come the nerves again. I nodded and unbulked myself. Ian stopped me when I got up.

"Listen baby, no matter what happens and what is said I still love you." His a gods gift from heaven.

"I love you to babe no matter what happens." He nodded and we made our way off the plane.

We grabbed our luggage and walked around the airport looking for my mom when I heard a squeal and instantly knew it was my mom.

"Taylor over here." She was waving her hand back and forth like a crazy person. We walked over to my mom, as soon as I was close enough she pulled me in a hug.

"Mom can't breath. " she giggled.

"Sorry I missed you so much." She pulled back to get a good look at me.

"I missed you to mom." She smiled and then looked behind with her eye's full of surprise. Shit Ian.

"Mom this is Ian, Ian this is my mom." He smiled at my mom and reached his hand out for her to shake. She looked at him for a whole minute before she snapped out of it.

"Put that hand away and give me a hug." Ian looked shocked as I was and hugged my mom back. When they pulled apart we headed to the car. I got in the car while Ian was putting our luggage in the trunk.

"Your father is going to flip, but damn his hot." I laughed with my mother.

"I know he is." She looked at me with that why didn't you tell me look.

"How old is he?" I looked down to my lap.

"Come on Tay?"

"His four years older than me." Mom fowned a little but didn't say nothing else.

"All set Ian?" Mom asked.

"Yes Mrs. Smith." Being the gentleman he is.

"Non-sence call me Kim." Ian smiled and looked out the window.

About ten minutes later we pulled up to my house and Rose came running to the car, as soon as I opened my door she tackled me in a hug.

"Hey Rose, I've missed you to. " I said through my giggles.

"I missed you more." She said as she looked behind me to Ian.

"Tay, who's this? " I turned to Ian and he was smiling down at Rose.

"Rose this is Ian my boyfriend, Ian this is my little sister Rose." She ran up to his leg and hugged them.

"Nice to meet you princess." She laughed and ran in the house.

"Now let's go see your father." Shit, shit, shit. This is it. I walked over to Ian to help him with the bags.

"No, what kind of man would I look like to your father if I let you carry your bags?" I nodded and we started for the front door. I prayed the whole way. Please don't go crazy was the last thing I thought before walking in.

How do you think it's going to go? Her mom and little sister seem to like Ian. How many of you think her dad will approve of Ian? 

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