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After I left his class I ran straight to Kelly to tell her everything about my math class and about the sex god teacher. She had him to but at different time then I did.

"His is a freaking god ain't he?" She was fanning herself and I laughed.

"Hell yea God I couldn't even do my damn work because of him." Now was her turn to laugh.

"So does Mason have a girlfriend? "So she likes Mason.

"I don't know but I can ask?" She blushed oh yeah she got a crush.

"Okay enough about boys there's a party this weekend and I think we should go." I nodded.

"Where at?"

"At some lake they don't know who owns it my friend told me that's where everybody has party's at cause there's only one house out there but it's a couple miles in the woods." I hope we don't get into any trouble.

"Okay sounds fun."

"Let's go shopping after classes tomorrow."

"Yea that's cool, I need some partying clothes anyways. " we bid goodbye and went to our drooms Mason wasn't there yet so I went head and took a shower and got into some cotton shorts and tank top, sitting on my bed looking through my iPad when there's I knock on my door. It can't be Mason cause he has a key. I opened there door to have my jaw hit the floor there stood the sexy Mr. Cox.

"You left this in my class." He said handing me my bag.

"Oh thanks sir." I said taking my bag from him and our fingers brushed against each other and damn the heat that went through me.

"Non sense call me Ian outside the classroom. "Okay first name bases.

"Okay thanks Ian." He bites his lip when I say his name. Weird.

"See you in class tomorrow Taylor. "I nod and close the door. God if he wasn't my teacher. Not long after Mr. Cox left Mason came in.

"Hey have you already ate?" Mason asked.


"Do you want to go to the cafe?"I looked down at what I was wearing.

"Can you bring me something back?" He smiled and looked down at what I was wearing.

"Why scared you will show some skin?" I laughed.

"No just don't want horny guys looking. " he laughed and left out the door. He came back with our food we sat and watch some T.v. for a while.

"Hey Mason do you have a girlfriend? "He looked at me and smirked.

"No why you interested? " I laughed at him.

"No but I might know who is."


"My friend but don't tell her I told you." He smiled and look back at the t.v. we watched t.v. for about hour and all that was on my mind was Mr. Cox's. Why did he have to look so good? I hope I can exactly learn something in his class tomorrow. I dreamed about him all night first time I had a wet dream. Great that's nasty I have to take a shower.

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