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When I got back to the lake it was trashed people were passed out everywhere, I walked around trying to find Kelly and Mason after looking everywhere for her car I find her and Mason in the backseat passed out they were so cute, I walked around and got in the driver seat and drove back to the dorms. Kelly and Mason stayed alseep the whole drive. I reached in the backseat and shook Kelly.

"Where are we?" She asked waking Mason.

"I drove us back to the dorms." She looked around and nodded.

"I'll head in and give you time alone." I got out and made my way to my dorm with Ian on my mind. Why did I let him kiss me? Cause his freaking hot that's why it's not like I'm a little girl anymore I can do what I want but I know it's wrong.

"Thinking that hard huh?" Mason said as he sat on his bed.

"I guess so." I smiled.

"So you and Kelly?" He smirked.

"Yea I guess." He better be sure she my best friend.

"You better not hurt her." He looked at me like I'm crazy.

"I won't. " good I hope he is good to her. My phone beeped telling me I had a message.

I miss you already :( sexy Ian he really saved that as his name.

Really? Tay.

Yes I want to see you before Ian.

You just seen me this morning. Tay.

So I want to see you again I can't stop thinking about you. Sexy Ian.

Okay when? Tay.

Tonight come stay the night with me? Sexy Ian.

I don't think that's a good idea Ian. Tay.

Please I miss you. Sexy Ian.

Okay what time? Tay.

6 I'll make us dinner :). Sexy Ian.

See you then I'm going to take a nap. Tay.

Sweet dreams ;) Sexy Ian.

Bye. Tay.

Mason got out the shower finally and I went in to take one before I take a nap so I don't have to worry about doing it before I go to Ian's. I'm really going over to stay at his house, I'm not going to sleep with him if that's what his thinking. I got dressed and laid down in my bed to take a nap before leaving.

"Tried? "Mason asked.

"Yea wake me up at 5 if your here." He nodded and got under his cover to that backseat most not have been comfortable. I woke up to someone shaking the shit out of me. Opening my eye's I came face to face with Mason.


"You told me to wake you up at 5 so get up." Shit I got to get a bag packed before I leave to shit. After packing a bag and telling Mason I wouldn't be back tonight and calling my family I turned my phone off.

I pulled up at Ian's house 20 minutes later his house was very beautiful, I love that it was in the middle of nowhere. Getting out walking to the front door and knocked the butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. The door opened and there stood Ian and all my worrys and doubts about being here just disappeared.

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