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Ian is taking me to the grill now so Bonnie won't see him drop me off, I will just have to get a table and wait for her. We pulled up to the grill and Ian turned to me.

"You go on in, I will wait a few minutes before I go in." What?

"You staying?" I asked confused.

"Yea I don't mind getting a drink." Or he is just trying to check up on me.

"Okay." I peck his lips before making my way in. I grab a seat at the bar and wait for Bonnie.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Hum.

"Yea I glass of wine please." He nodded his head and went to get my wine. His not bad looking his really cute. I wonder if Bonnie has a boyfriend?

"Hey you made it." I turn and see Bonnie seating beside me.

"Yea, want a drink from this babe behind the bar?" She laughed and then looked up with wide eyes.

"Uh yea same as her please." He winked at her when he left to get her drink hum we might have something here.

"So Bonnie are you single? " she looked up at me with a smile.

"Yes I am." I looked at the bartender and he had a smirk on his face. I waited for him to walk away to go serve Ian.

"His hot Bonnie. " she looked back at and nodded.

"He sure is." Good maybe they will get together and go out sometime.

"Want to go play some pool?"

"Yea, hey sexy keep em coming." Bonnie winked back at him and walked away.

"Good one." We laughed and started a game of pool. Later that night the grill got packed and hot bartender was off and playing pool with us. I would catch Ian's eye's on me every once in a while. I wish I can be with him like Bonnie is with bartender guy. They are very cozy right now. Before I knew it a guy came up to me not bad looking.

"Hey can I buy you a drink?" I looked him over and looked away to catch Ian's eye pissed off.

"Sure what's your name?" The boy smiled and held out his hand for me to shake.

"Matt, what's yours?"

"Taylor." He smirked.

"Nice to meet you Taylor, what are you drinking? "

"Wine please." He nodded and walked away, I can still feel Ian's heated gaze on me. Matt returned with my drink and we played a game of play with Bonnie and Jeremy thats the hottys name from the bar.

"Hey I'll be back." I headed to the ladies room but before I could make there I was pulled out of the back door of the bar. I turned to cuss at the person but faced a pissed off Ian.

"What the fuck Tay?" I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about Ian?"

"You getting cozy with the quarterback in there." Okay now his really lost it but he is even more sexy when his mad.

"I all did was let him buy me a drink and play some pool." He calmed down a bit when I put my hand on his arm.

"I didn't like the way he looked at you." Aww jealous are we?

"Did anybody tell you your fucking hot when your mad?" He smirked at me and I reached to kiss him and right when I was about to open for him a voice cut me off.

"Tay what are you doing?" Shit busted, now two freaking people knew. Damn him for pulling me out here.

Sorry guys been really busy and been trying to finish a book I was reading. Update soon.

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