Chapter. 26

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Ian laid me down on the bed with me in just my bra and panties, my clothes somewhere laying in the livingroom or the hallway. Ian ran his hand down my chest over my black lace bra right to the tip of my black lace boy shorts, it felt like every nerve in my body was alive. His touch was something I been craving since the day I left this house. He pulled my panties down my long legs and throw them to the floor. Kissing up my leg, I don't think he missed one inch of skin on either leg. He finally reached my sex and lick and sucked which was pure ecstasy.

"Ian I need you now." He kissed up my stomach till he reached my ear nibbling.

"I want you to lean over the bed ass in the air for me baby." Well fuck me. I did what he said and lend over the bed and he slamed into me. God I miss the feel of him, no one can make me feel like this man.

"Damn baby I missed you." Ian moaned, thrust after thrust.

"Say it please." He begged I knew what he wanted me to say but I love to hear him beg. He thrust harder.

"Say it baby. " he hissed. I smiled and moaned at the sametime.

"I love you Ian." We both came undone at the sametime. Ian got up and said he was going to shower. While he was in the shower I figured I would call home, I only talk to them once since I been here and I feel bad. Putting on one of Ian's shirts I made my way out on his front porch.

"Hello?" It's my little sister.

"Hey Rose it's Taylor." I hear a squeal.

"Hey Tay why haven't you called us?" I know I was going to get a ear full but not by her by mom.

"College has been keeping me busy Rose." She laughed.

"Any cute boys?" That's my sister alright.

"Yea there is." I heard dad in the background asking her who it was.

"Tay, I miss you but daddy wants to talk to you to." Aww god I miss them.

"Okay Rose love you." She told me she loved me to and hand the phone to dad.

"Hey sweetheart." Oh how I miss him.

"Hey dad, everything okay there?" He laughed.

"Beside your mom and sister driving my crazy, no everything's good, how is it going?" Good I'm glad someone is keeping him on his toes.

"Staying busy, I miss y'all." I really did.

"We miss you to sweetheart." I heard mom in the background.

"I love you, here's your mom." Here we go.

"Why haven't you called young lady?" I knew that was what she was going to say.

"I have been busy mom but I miss you." Ian came and put his arms around me from behind.

"We missed you to honey, any cute boys I should know about?" Yea but not a boy a man. I turned around and shh Ian, of course he smiled.

"Yea a few none I'm to into." I eyed Ian and he smirked.

"Well I'm glad your doing good and decided to call us." I miss my mom going shopping and stuff like that.

"Yea, oh mom I don't need for you to pay for my dorm anymore." She grasped.

"What?" I hope Bonnie will cover for me.

"Yea me and a friend is going to room together in her apartment." Ian kissed my cheek.

"I hope this friend is a girl, we don't need grandchildren right now I'm to young." Always wired about her age.

"Yes her name is Bonnie."

"Glad to see your making friends, how's Kelly?" Shit I knew she was going to ask about her.

"She good but she's got her own friends now." Please buy it.

"Okay honey I'll call the dean and tell them about your dorm, we love and miss you very much."

"I love and miss y'all to mom bye."

"Bye honey." I turned to Ian when I hung up and he smiled at me.

"Now we can start moving your stuff tomorrow. " well ain't he fast.

"You mean I can start moving my stuff tomorrow, you can't go help me." Can he?

"I don't work there no more so yes I can and will." Shit that means he will see Mason, just great.

"Okay Ian." With that said he picked me up and kissed me. This is my life now, with Ian and I would not have it any other way.

Sorry it's been so long guys, with the holiday season I won't be updating very much sorry.




Please ;)

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