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I woke up to the most beautiful sight a guy could ask for. Taylor in my arms hair fanning the pillow and mouth partly opened, she looked so peaceful. God I hope this works out I don't know what I would do with her not in my life. I will be willing to give up everything to be with her. I ran my hand up and down her back and she Stroud holding me tighter to her. She finally opened her eye's and smiled.

"Morning." She said with her husky morning voice which is sexy as hell.

"Morning beautiful. " I said kissing those delicious lips.

"Want to go make breakfast together?" She nodded and went to get up but I pulled her back down and kissed her she opened for me and our tongues danced together perfectly.

"If you continue we won't get up." I released her knowing she was right. She got dressed and we went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I gathered everything we need from the fridge and we got started. I love spending time with her like this I wish we could do it in public. That reminds me i could take her to the next town and take her out.


We made breakfast well it took us awhile with Ian can't keep his hands and body to himself. Like leaning against me while I was at the stove with his huge bulge pressing into me everytime. I grab the plates for us and when I turn around Ian is there grabbing my arm and hip leaning in to kiss me, god this man I want to jump his bones everytime he does this.

"Stop so we can eat breakfast." I laugh. He brings his lips to my ear.

"I think you know what I want for breakfast." He says in a husky voice that turns up the heat in my core.

"After if your good." He laughs and takes the plates from me and makes our plate. We eat and have small talk but the sexual tension between us is like a vile. He takes one more bit and then puts his hand on my thigh running it up further and further. He palms me on the outside of my pants and heat rushes through me once again. Right when my phone goes off, I stand to get it and so does Ian picking me up and putting my legs around his waist kissing me like he will never kiss me again. He pushes the plates off the table and lays me down undoing my jeans and throwing them to the floor along with my panties. I reach up and take his shirt off running my hands down his chest to the button on his pants undoing them he kicks them off.

"Fuck Tay." He says as he pushes in me filling me to the max. I roll my hips grinding into him while he throws his head back.

"Fuck this I can't take it slow, get up and bend over the table." Oh hell yea, I get up and do what I'm told and bend over. He plungs into me hard and all you her is skin slapping and our moans.

"Fuck Ian." I moan making him spend up. He then comes all the way out of me just to thrust back in again, this makes me tighten around him.

"You like don't you babe?" He asks and I moan his name once again before he gets hard and longer with each thrust.

"Fuck yes Ian, I love it." He goes even faster making both of us moan and talk dirty before we come undone together. God this man he sure knows what his doing and I could fuck him every minute of the day and not have a enough. We clean up our mess and get dressed and go to the livingroom to watch some T.v.

"Next weekend I want to take you out." I look at him confused.

"The next town over I know this bar we can go to and we won't have to hid there." Okay I like the idea of being able to go out with him.

"Okay sounds great, now I got to check to see who called me." I get up to get my phone and check it I have two missed calls one from Kelly and the other from Bonnie. I go back and sit beside Ian on the couch.

"Who was it?" He asked.

"Kelly and Bonnie. " I smile at him.

"Please don't say anything I'm going to call Bonnie back." He nodded while I pressed the call button.

"Hey." Bonnie said.

"Hey you called?"

"Yea wanted to see if you want to come to the grill with me?" Well I guess I could I like Bonnie.

"Yea sure when?"

"About an hour?" I hope Ian can drop me off.

"Yea that's fine see you there." Ian looked at me weird.

"Okay bye." She hung up and I looked at Ian.

"Can you drop me off at the grill?" He frowned.

"Trying to leave me already? " he said as he kissed my cheek.

"No but Bonnie pretty cool and I like hanging out with her." Ian smiled.

"I was just playing of course I will." I leaned over and gave him a quick peak before going to get me stuff.

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