Chapter. 33 Day before the trip

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Taylor (Day before the trip)

It's been about a week now and me and Ian has a plane ticket to go back to my hometown to meet my family and I'm a nervous freaking wreck. Is everything going to be okay? Are they going to like him? Are they going to approve? Is my dad going to flip? So my question run throw my head as fold the last load of clothes. I grabbed my suitcase and was about to start packing until my phone rang. Shit it's my mom.


"Hey honey, you packed and ready to go?"

"Packing as we speak." She giggled and then came the high pitch squeal.

"Great, I can't wait to see you. Oh and meet that hunk you have been talking about, he is still coming right?" Yes, and its going to blow your mind.

"Yes, mom could you not flirt or embarrass me?"

"Of course not honey, I'm just glad you find someone." Wait until you meet him.

"Okay mom I got to finish packing, tell everyone that I will see them tomorrow and I love them."

"Okay honey, can't wait and we love you to." With that I hung up and started packing, it's only going to be for the weekend so I don't need much. Right when I was putting the last of my clothes in my suitcase Ian pulls up.

"Baby, where are you?" I don't think I will ever get use to this.

"In the bedroom. " I yelled back. He walks in the room with a smile on his face and comes up to me and kissed me.

"You all packed?" He asked with his arms still around me.

"Yes, I just finished." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Good, now I got to pack." He says going to get his suitcase. Putting his suitcase on the bed beside mine, he took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. His freaking killing me the way he moved with his defined body damn I think I'm drooling.

"So are you ready for this?" He asked as he was packing.

"As ready as I will ever be." He looked at me and smiled, leaning over his suitcase to kiss me.

"Everything will be okay." I nodded and he continued packing. After about 10 minutes of watching him pack and put our suitcases by the bedroom door I had it, my core was throbbing for him. He turned to me and smiled that's all it took, I pulled my shirt over my head and stood up and took my shorts off to. His eyes were hugh, with that sexy ass smirk on his adorable face. He walked over to the bed when he was free of his pants and stood in front of me. I lend up on my kness pulling his chin to mine for a heated kiss.

He pushed me back on the bed and discarded my panties and bra so I was bare to him. He ran his finger down my chest to my belly button around it and onto my bundle of nerve. He started playing with my already throbbing core, I didn't want foreplay I was already dripping with need, I pulled his hand away and he rose from my neck to look at me with confused face.

"I don't want to play Ian, just fuck me." He smirked and took off his boxer's.

It didn't take him long to slam into me, with hard long thrusts. He is so good at this, I could already feel my walls tightening around his rock hard cock.

"Damn baby. "He moaned in my ear. In return I moaned his name.

I pushed him off of me and he was a bit surprised, I got off the bed and turned around to bend over the bed with my ass on full dispaly for him. He didn't waste no time in plunging back in me and when he did my back arched.

"Yes baby right there." I moaned with my back arched.

He pumped in and out and going deeper with every thrust he gave. Feeling my stomach tightening I knew I was close and I think he did to.

"Fuck." He moaned, pumping harder and faster before grabbing my hips and pumping faster than ever, about minute later I felt his hot seed spilling into me and that's all it took and I came with him. We put our undergarments back on and clasped on the bed.

"Well, someone was a little forward." He laughed.

"We are leaving tomorrow to go to my parents house, so we won't be able to doing anything the whole weekend." He looked sad.

"What the hell am I going to do without having you for the whole weekend." I smirked.

"Why, you saying you can't go that long?" He nodded his head.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. " I laughed and kissed him before getting off the bed to take a shower.

"I'm sure we will find some way." I smirked and walked in the bathroom with Ian on my heels. This is going to be a long night.

Hope you like it, please vote and comment please let me know if y'all have any suggestions thanks .

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