Chapter. 11

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When I met Ian down the road we went to his place and I forgot I don't have a bathing suit, oh well I'll just wear my panties and black tank top that I have on underneath my green top. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize we were already at Ian's house,  I got out and walked behind Ian into his house. As soon as we went to make sandwiches and eat before we go for a swim, we heard someone pull up in the driveway I looked at Ian and he looked confused. They knocked and I was scared shitless.

"Who could it be?" I whispered.

"I have no clue just stay out of sight ok?" He asked I nodded and went in the hallway,  while he went to the door I heard talking but can't make out who they are.

"Taylor you might want to come out now." What the hell is he doing? I walked out of my hiding spot and what I saw shocked me.

"Kelly what are you doing here?" She looked at me shocked. Ian came by my side.

"Funny I was about to ask you the same question." Shit she fucking followed us.

"Did you follow us?" I looked at Ian for answers.

"Yes I followed you, you been sinking around and I wanted to find out why." She looked from me to Ian.

"If I wanted you to know I would have told you." She looked hurt as she sat down on the couch.

"Are you two dating?" I looked at Ian I don't know what he called us.

"Yes but you can't tell anyone." Ian finally spoke. I looked back at Kelly for her reaction.

"What the hell Tay you can't date your teacher you will get kicked out and he can get fired." Who the hell does she think she is.

"Kel it's my decision not yours please just stay out of it." She looked like she couldn't believe what just came out my mouth.

"Tay are you willing to give up everything for him?" Am I ? Hell yes I would.

"Kelly just please respect my decision." She looked to Ian.

"Are you crazy why would you do this to her?" What the hell?

"Kelly you are not going to change my mind so just fucking drop it okay, why can't you just be happy for me?" She looked pissed. She got up and went to the door.

"Fine be with him your right it's your decision but when someone finds out don't come running to me." She opened the door and looked back at me and Ian.

"Your secret is safe with me but I don't want any part in it." With that she walked out the door slamming it. I broke down and cried I think I just lost my best friend over a guy. I can't let him go I'm in to deep. Ian came over to the couch and whispered in my ear everything was going to be okay but I just hope he was right.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but had a birthday party to plan.

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