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When I woke up I hopped in the shower to start my day me and Bonnie was going shopping and spend some girl time today which is long over do. I got out and dried off and getting dressed Ian was still asleep when I got in the shower but when I came out the bathroom he wasn't in bed anymore.

"Hey sleepy head." I said as I walked in the kitchen to Ian cooking breakfast.

"Morning." I went up and pecked his lips. We sat down at the table to eat.

"So how long are you going to be gone for?" Somebody don't want me to leave.

"A few hours why?" He frowned.

"I dont want you to leave." He pouted.

"I'll be back I think you can live with me being gone a couple of hours." I laughed.

"Okay since I can't talk you out of it then take this buy you some stuff." He handed me a black card.

"No I can buy my own stuff Ian." He shook his head and pushed it back to me.

"Please take it and use it." I signed and put it in my pocket which made him smile. We ate and chatted abit, I washed the dishes with him behind me kissing up and down my neck, this man is going to be the death of me.

"Ian don't start something we can't finish." But he didn't listen he kept kissing along my jaw, ear, and neck which made me moan.

"We can make it quick." He said turning the water off and lifting me off the ground. He laid me on the island, pulling off my shirt and then crashing his lips to mine. He took my pants off along with my panties and his head got lost between my legs. His tongue was doing wonders to me, making my moan his name and grabbing his hair for more. He most have knew what I wanted because he came up and drop his pants and slammed into to me. I will get over how good he can make me fill, pumping in and out hard and fast while I dug my nails in his back.

"Fuck Tay you feel so good." He groaned. About 15 more minutes with him pumping in and out fast and hard we both came together. We both got cleaned up and redress.

"Told you I could make it quick." I giggled and got the cleaner and cleaned the island, what? I do got to eat there.

"Okay I got to head over to Bonnie's." He nodded and handed me his keys.

"Be careful." I nodded and kissed him bye and walked out the door, on my way to the car Ian stuck his head out the window and blow me a kiss. That man is crazy but I Love him.

Me and Bonnie went to the mall, we have went into about every store that was there it's been two hours and I got some really cute stuff. Now I'm starving, I know I just ate breakfast early but shopping can really make you hungry.

"So you moved in with Ian?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah he asked me and I really didn't want to stay with Mason after everything so I said yes." She nodded.

"You know you could've stayed with me." I smiled.

"I know but I think staying with Ian is good for our relationship."

"What did your parents say?" Shit, I hope she covers for me.

"That's the thing they don't know I stay with him." She frowned and looked worried.

"Then who do they think you stay with?" She asked confused, I just looked at her and her eye's went wide.

"They think you stay with me." I nodded.

"Sorry I meant to call you and tell you all this but Ian has kept me busy. " she smiled and I blushed.

"I'm sure he has." She hit me in the arm.

"So your not mad."

"No I will cover for you but you know your going have to tell them about you guys sooner or later." I knew she was right but I was scared as hell.

"They do know about him but not that I stay with him."

"Do they know his age?" I shook my head no.

"You know break is like a week away and there going to want to meet him right?" I know and I don't know what to do about that.

"Yea I know, I haven't figured that part out yet." She nodded.

"Well, if you love him I'm sure they will be happy." She damn sure didn't know my dad.

"Maybe but my dad is going to flip." She grabbed my hand.

"There's nothing they can do Tay, but I would not keep this from them it will hurt them in the long run." I know she right but I'm just nervous.

"I know, I better get it over with now." She nooded and smiled.

"No lets go to Victoria Secret and get you some sexy shit for Ian." She laughed and we headed that way. Well he did give me a card that I have not used yet so why not?

Sorry it's been awhile, but with the holidays and three little ones running around it's hard. I know it's short but it's a update. What do you guys think her parents will do about Ian?

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