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I followed Ian to his car when we got to it he turned me and put his lips on mine like I was going to run away and never come back, I missed him so much. This right here is where I want to be with him and only him. He pulled away smiling. He went and opened my door for me to get in and I did, he ran around the front of the car to get in also. The drive to his house was silent but in a comfortable way. I tried to think of what I was going to say and what might happen after the talk. Is it sad to say I want him right here and now? I have that pull with him at first I thought it was just sexual but I know now that's it's both.

When we pulled up to his house he came around and opened my door for me, taking my hand leading me into his house.

"Do you want something to drink?" He asked nervous.

"Wine?" He nodded and brought back two wine glasses and a bottle of wine, sitting down beside me on the couch. After he poured the wine and I took a sip, he took my hand in his.

"Tay I went over and over this in my head a thousand of times but I'm just going to tell you what comes to mind ok?" I nodded looking our entwined hands. Once I look up in those bright blue eyes I'm lost in his world.

"I've missed you very much, I can't sleep without you with me, when I sit down to eat a meal my mind goes back to when me and you made dinner or cleaned the kitchen together, when I get in the shower all I think about is when we were in there together, I can't take it no more Taylor, I love and miss you more than anything in this world, as you can see your all I think about and I want you back." Did he just? Oh my fucking god he loves me to. I sat there stocked as hell, how can I get so lucky to have a man love me like him? I never would have thought he loved me. I look up at him again with tears in my eyes and his frowning. What, what happened? Then it dawned on me I haven't said one word to him. Shit! Say something Tay.

"Ian I'm sorry." Really that's the only thing that you spit out? He let go of my hands and bowed his head in defeat.No, I take his hands back in mine and he looks up.

"I'm sorry I put you through all of this, I really am. I'm sorry for making you think of me all the time, I'm sorry for keeping you up at night, I'm sorry you couldn't eat, I'm sorry for you not being able to shower without think of me, I'm sorry I cause you hurt, but I'm not sorry that I love you to." His eye's got Hugh with a smile on his face. Just seeimg him so happy made my world alright. He brought me in a breathtaking hug and I squeezed him back. I loved this man more than anything in this world.

He pulled away and planted his lips on mine full of passion, bliss, lust, and love. When he pulled away we were both breathless, he looked so happy.

"Tay move in with me?" I grasped. What?

"I don't want to spend another day without you, please Taylor move in with me?" Should I? I don't think I can face Mason. Oh shit I have to tell Ian about Mason god he is so about to change his mind.

"Ian I need tell you something first." I looked down trying to figure a way to tell him. Suddenly he grasped my chin and lifted my face so I was looking him in the eye.

"I messed up Ian." I was shocked I didn't see hurt in his eyes.

"I know Taylor, as long you don't have feelings for him I'm ok with it?" Is he crazy?

"No of course not." He smiled and asked for my answer. Well here goes nothing.

"Yes Ian I will move in with you." He picked me up off the couch and twirled me around before he carried me to his bedroom, wait our bedroom. God that sounds like heaven.

Sorry it was short y'all hope you like it.

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