Chapter. 10

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After we got back to the dorms I texted Bonnie and told her to save me a seat in math class tomorrow, she was really sweet and said sure that she couldn't wait. Good I need to hang around more people than Kelly and Mason and of course Ian. Thinking about him I need to text him to tell him thank you.

Thanks for paying for my meal but you need to be more careful. Tay

You are very welcome your friends wasn't even looking, I miss you. Sexy Ian

No but our waitress is in your class with me, I miss you to. Tay.

Oh sorry so you met someone else's besides Mason and Kelly good. Sexy Ian.

Yea she's seems pretty cool her name is Bonnie we are going to seat together in your class tomorrow so don't get on us for talking. Tay.

You know I can't show special treatment. Sexy Ian.

Yea yea see you tomorrow. Tay.

Where something sexy ;) night. Sexy Ian.

We'll see ;) night. Tay.

After I deleted the messages and took a shower I got in my pjs and laid in my bed. Mason just got in the shower and I was looking through my phone when he came out in just a towel. What the hell?

"Sorry forgot my clothes." Mason said and went back in the bathroom, he had a great body just nothing like Ian's.

I woke up the next morning to the buzzing of my alarm getting up going to pick out my oufit with a naughty thought in my head Ian wanted me to wear something sexy so I am. After putting on my sexy green and black thong and bra to match with a blue jean skirt and green shirt with a black short selve cover, I go out the dorm to meet Kelly we had breakfast together her talking about Mason the whole time.

Classes were boring I had a few boys tell me I look nice which I just bush off. My next class is math which is great I get to see Ian and Bonnie. Walking in the door walking over to Bonnie on the front row I take a seat beside her.

"Hey thanks for saving me a seat." She smiles at me.

"You welcome I like our outfit by the way." I smile and look down.

"Thanks so where are you from?"

"Flordia you?" Bonnie asked, I look up to see Ian already started class.

"South Carolina." I wispered. She nodded.

"Please open you books to page 153 and do that page quietly, when your done bring your paper's up to my desk." Ian said and everybody got to work but I still was still looking at Ian.

Sexy outfit:). Sexy Ian. I laughed and texted him back.

How bout have a closer look;) Tay. He looked down at his phone reading the message and then looked up and his eye's started from my chest downward, I spreaded my legs apart so he could see my thong and when he did his eye's flow up to mine and I winked.

"Hey do you want to come to the cafe after class?" Bonnie whispered I was about to answer her back when Ian spoke.

"Taylor can I speak to you in my office?" He asked you see he has a hall in the class that leads to his office.

"Yes Ia.. I'm mean Mr. Cox's." Bonnie mouths sorry I shake my head at her and fellow Ian in his office. Once I was inside he closed the door and pushed me to it wasting no time for his lips to be on mine.

"Ian what are you doing?" I push him away.

"That's just half of what I want to do to you." He said as his hands reach for my ass.

"You can't, when I go back out there they will know what we did." He groaned.

"You coming to my house tonight?" He asked hopeful.

"I told Bonnie I would go with her to the cafe after class."

"After I can meet you down the road and we can go back to my house have a swim in the lake." I nodded and turned to open the door.

"No more talking." He warned I laughed and took my seat by Bonnie. When class was over I rode with Bonnie to the cafe after I texted Kelly and told her I was with Bonnie. Once me and Bonnie was at the cafe we sat outside because the weather was nice, we talked and got to know each other she was a cool girl I like her I feel like I knew her for a long time in just a hours time. I think we will be real good friends. I texted Ian told him that I was done with Bonnie I watched her drive away promising to call me later. Now I got to go meet Ian. Lord help me.

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