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After Ian calmed me down, he went to get us some towels to go swimming in the lake. I was still questioning what I would do if we did get caught. If she would keep our secret. God I hope she does cause I don't know what I would do without him. Ian came out with two towels and we headed out the door.

"Hey everything is going to be okay." He said as he put his arm around me. But is everything going to be ok? This changes things, now I got to worry about if she will tell someone or not. I didn't realize we were at the lake until Ian nudged me. I took off my shorts without even thinking or waiting for Ian my mind was running wild and a swim is what I need. I don't know when Ian got in but he stood infront of me now with his black shirt still on.

"Tay don't let her get to you." Is he serious right now that's all I can think about.

"Well she is Ian, what if she tells? What if she's right? Are you ready to give up your career for me?" He walked closer to me putting his hand on my cheeks.

"Yes Tay I would, I would give up anything for you, I can always go to another college and teach." I can't believe this man infront of me, I love him.

"Okay I can always drop out." He shook his head.

"No before it would come to that I would teach at the college a hour from here." He leaned in a give me a passionate kiss that I deepen. I pulled away before it could get to heated and dunked him underwater and swam away.

"Oh your going to get it now." He said swimmimg after me, shit his fast. He played around letting me get a head start but he finally caught up with me and grabbed me by my hips. He finally took off his shirt and mine was next to come off.

"I want you so bad right now baby." My breath hitched, am I ready? Not like this.

"Well, lets swim for a while then take me back home." He smiled his signature smirk that was sexy as hell.

"Then what?" Oh I think he knows what, it was my turn to smirk at him.

"You'll have to wait and see." With that I swam off. He was chasing me, I know he was taking it easy on me cause he would have got me by now. We played in the water for a hour and then got out dried off and made our way back to his house. When we walked in he pushed my back against the door and kissed me full of lust and want, his hands run down to my thighs and picked me up so I had my legs around his waist, walking us to his room and laying me back on his bed. While he was kissing me I was thinking if I was ready for this or not but all my answers came to a big fat yes. He leaned from me alittle.

"Do you want this?" The way his hands and eyes were seductive I couldn't say no.

"Yea I want you." He smiled and took my shorts off kissing all over my body. When I was completely naked and him just in his boxers he looked up and down my body.

"I'm going to make love to you tonight but after tonight I'm going to do things to you that I have been dreaming about." I nodded I couldn't find the words. This is it I'm going to sleep with my Teacher that I think I'm falling for.

Sorry for the cliff hanger but will continue the steamy details next chappy. Sorry :(

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