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Right when I sat down on my bed Kelly rushed through the door with a pissed off look on her face, great and so it begins.

"Where the hell where you?" She asked sitting on Mason bed.

"I walked around and couldn't find my way back so I just got a motel room." Please believe me.

"Why didn't you call me I could have came and got you, why didn't you answer you phone I have been calling all night and day?" Shit.

"It was dead Kel." She looked at me funny for a minute and then smiled running to me and put me in a big bear hug.

"I'm just glad your okay Tay." She said letting me go. Kelly looked over at Mason.

"Yall want to go get lunch?" She looked between me and Mason and we both nodded.

"I hear there's this cafe down the road that's real good, lets go I'll drive us." We all piled in her car and once we got to the cafe she sat with Mason on one side and I sat across from them so I was facing the door.

"What can I get yall to drink?" The waitress asked, she seemed like our age.

"I'll take a sweet tea please." I said after Mason and Kelly order there's. The girl walked off to get our drinks, she looked familiar but don't know where I know her from. She came back with our drinks and kept staring at me.

"Do I know you from somewhere? " I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

"We have math class together." I knew I seen her before.

"I knew I seen you somewhere before." She nodded and took our orders. We were seating there chatting when the bell on the door got my attention, looking up it was Ian Shit. He caught my glaze and I blushed and looked down.

"What's the matter Tay?" I looked at Kelly.

"Nothing I just need to use the restroom. " I said getting up out the booth. Walking to the bathroom, I stood splashing cool water on my face. I can't believe just by seeing him heat flashes all over me. Once I'm done I walk out just to get pulled by the arm into the men's bathroom, Ian pushes me up against the door kissing me with his hands on my hips. He deepened the kiss with our tongues dancing with the other's his hands move down to my ass and I moan.

"Fancy seeing you here Taylor." He smirked.

"What are you doing anybody can walk in?" He smiles and kisses me again.

"Just a goodnight kiss since I won't see you tonight." I smile and push him back.

"See you tomorrow Mr. Cox's." I swing my hips as I walk out the man's restroom, going back over to the booth my friends are at. We eat our food and chat for about 15 more minutes and Boonie brings us the check, well that's what her name tag says.

"Here's my number we should hang out sometime." I nodded and give her my number, Mason pays for him and Kelly. I go up to pay my bill.

"Your meal has already been paid for." I looked confused I know Mason only paid for him and Kelly's. Then it dawn on me Ian smirked at me when he left earlier, he paid my bill I'm going to have to talk to him.

"Thanks will you give this to Bonnie?" She nodded and took my tip for Bonnie. She seems like a really nice girl maybe we can become friends? I need more friends around here so why not?

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