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Mason hasn't seen us yet, but Kelly did and I smiled at her of course she frowned and turned away. As we walked pass Mason and Kelly I winked at Mason and that's when my plan came into action. Mason slowly got up and walked over to me and Bonnie calling my name for me to stop and I did. Facing Mason now it didn't take him long to catch up to me and grab me by my hips bring our bodys flush and kiss me. The kiss was intense and full of lust and it actually felt really good. He pulled back and smiled at me.

"I have been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you." I laughed and looked back at Kelly who was pissed by the way. She stomped off to her class.

"Well, I'm glad you did it, it was hot." I winked at him and walked off with Bonnie.

"See you in the dorm Mason." He smiled and walked off to.

The classes were slow I got real upset to see the old guy seating in Ian's desk. I really miss him he hasn't try to call or text me but once. I really want to talk to him but I'm the one that did this so I need to give him time, maybe he will move on. I gathered my stuff and was walking back to my dorm with Bonnie.

"So how was it?" I looked at Bonnie confused. What is she talking about?

"How was what?" She smiled.

"Mason." God he was good but not as good as Ian, stop Taylor got to get him out your head.

"He was good." I smirked at Bonnie. She hit me on the arm.

"Details. "

"You know a good girl never tells." I laughed. Standing outside my dorm room.

"Call me later let me know what happens with you and Mason." She hugged me and left. I really wish she stayed on campus. Walking in I decided to take a shower before doing my homework. I was seating on my bed with my pjs on doing my homework when Mason walked in the door. Looking up at him I smiled, Bonnie's words replaying in my head.

"Hey." He said with a smile. I hope I can do this.

"Hey." I said looking down at my homework. I felt my bed dip and when I looked up Mason lips went to mine with some much lust. He licked my bottom lip for entrance I accepted, our tongues danced together perfectly I pulled away breathless. He still had my cheek cupped in his large hand.

"Let me take you out? Let me show you how to have fun and Bonnie can come to?" I thought about it would be nice to go out in public with a guy I don't have to hide. I needed to have fun, get all this off my mind.

"Okay." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Call Bonnie and tell her to be ready at nine." I nodded and he went to shower. I grabbed my phone to call Bonnie.

"Hello. "

"Hey want to go out with me and Mason have some fun with your hunk of a bar tender?" She laughed.

"You know I do, when?" She can't pass up having fun.

"Tonight, Mason said to be ready at nine."

"Okay see you then." We bid goodbye when Mason walked out the bathroom.

"Is she going?"

"Yea she's bring someone is that okay?" He smiled.

"Yeah more the merry." I nodded and went back to getting my work done. When I got done with my homework I had about two hours to get ready, so I went in my closet to find something to wear. I can't wait to go out this is going to be great.

Sorry guys haven't updated in a while just been real busy hope u like it.

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