Chapter. 4

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Classes were great beside Mr. Cox's I could not pay attention at all, Mason bugged me about moaning in my sleep of course. It's Friday which means the party is tonight and I can't wait. I bought some new clothes yesterday when me and kelly went shopping along with a new bathing suit the party is at a lake so might just go for a swim. I went head and took a shower so I didn't have to do it when Kelly got here. I got dressed in my black button down shirt and white shorts. Kelly showed up not much later and we got ready. About two hours and Mason walks in and looks at us.

"Wow lady's looking good, heading to the lake party?" He said smiling at Kelly.

"Yea you coming?"

"Yea can I ride with you pretty ladies?" I looked at Kelly cause she was driving she nodded.

"Sure but hurry up." He took off to the bathroom. Five minutes later he returns looking hot.

"How do guys do that? Five minutes they look hot us two hours and we look sexy." Mason smirked.

"Because I'm already Hot babe." He said and we was off to the party.

We pulled up to the lake and got out and there was alot of people here waisted. Mason, Kelly and me was drinking hanging out I lost count of how many we had, she was drunk as hell and I was buzzed.

"Kelly do you want to go dance?" Mason asked it's about damn time.

"Sure." They left to go dance I felt stupid just standing there so I went for a walk. I was thinking about Mr. Cox's walking in the woods how crazy am I? My mind was so not paying attention where I was going I ended up in front of a big house shit. The light came on and I turned to make my way back to the party, when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"You are trespassing." The man turned me and I came face to face with Mr. Cox's great I just can't get away from this man.

"Taylor? "He said confused.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Sorry I was at the party by the lake my friend got drunk and left me so I started walking and ended up here." He smiled.

"Do you want to come in?" Oh god I wish.

"I don't think that is a good idea Mr. Cox's. "He smirked.

"We are not at school now Taylor." I nodded and walked behind him in the house I glanced at his butt and damn it was nice. When we got inside he took me to the livingroom.

"Okay what do you want to do?" I want to strip you naked and do things unspeakable to you, fuck Tay get your head right.

"It doesn't matter what do you want to do?"

"Want a drink?" I looked at him shooked.

"You are going to give a student achool Mr. Cox's? " he laughed.

"You are not my student right now and you already have been drinking so why not? Please call me Ian." I smiled.

"Okay Ian I would love a drink." He went to the kitchen and came back with to glasses of wine handed one to me.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked with those sexy lips of his.

"Do you have any scary ones?" That's one way to get close to him. Snap out of it Taylor damn.

"Yeah I got many go pick one." He pointed to the t.v. stand, I got and picked one putting it in and going back to the couch beside him. Now I was scared shittless somehow I ended up under his arms shaking.

"Scared? " maybe.

"No I'm fine." He laughed at me.

"Sure." He snuggled me closer to him with his fingers running through my hair that is the last thing I remember before passing out in his arms it felt nice tingling sensation but real fucking nice.

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