Chapter. 37

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I woke up to the sun in my eye's, turned to Tay and pulled her closer. I can't believe those guys did that to her. They are assholes for treating her so poorly, I would never in a million years do that to her. Looking at the beautiful girl laying in my arms, she was something. She was beautiful inside and out.

I ran my fingers down her arms and back up to her collarbone she shivered in her sleep, it's amazing how she effects me, I want her all the time like a invisible string pulling me to her. She started to move around in my arms and I bend down to kiss her cheek and her eye's flow open.

"Morning beautiful. " she smiled and pecked me on my lips.

"Morning sexy. " I smirked at her and ran my fingers down her ribcage.

"Didn't get enough lastnight huh?" I smiled she is one hell of a girl.

"I can never get enough of you Tay." My hands still continuing there path down south.

She reached up and kissed me I opened my mouth and our tongues danced in perfect harmony, she such a turn on. My fingers finally reaching there destination causing her to moan. Licking and sucking her breast she arched to me. I pulled her on top of me, she looked shocked but lend in to kiss me again.

"I want you on top, I want to watch you come undone baby." She smiled and lowered herself on me, I love it this way it's some much deeper. She moved up and down on me in a very slow tortious way. I grabbed her hips to try to make her go faster she was driving me crazy.

"Baby speed up." She didn't listen staying at her slow paste. Damnit. I grab her ass and move with her and that does the trick she speeds up.

"Ian..." she moaned my name as I thrust in her the same time she comes back down on me.

"" I can't take it when her walls tighten around me I flip us over so she laying on her back and I thrust hard and fast in her, both of us coming to our release at the same time, I fell limp on top of her but not adding to much of my weight.

Once we both have catched our breaths I climb off her to lay beside her beautiful body. Were laying there holding each other for about five minutes before I break the silence.

"So, what do you want to do today?" She leans up on her elbows.

"I want to take Rose somewhere." I nod at her with a smile.


"She will either pick bowling or skating, not sure which." God I hopes it's blowing, I have never been on a pair of skates before in my life.

"What's the frown for?" She's smiling.

"I really hope it's bowling these feet have never been in a pair of skates." She giggles and pecks my lips.

"I'm sure you will do just fine at whatever she picks, your good at everything. " she thinks to highly of me.

"Now get up we have to check out." We get up and get dressed so we can check out of this place. When we get back at her house Rose is sitting in the livingroom watching t.v.

"Hey Rose." She looks back at us and smiles.

"Hey Tay, and Ian." She blushing, aww so cute.

"Hey Rose." I say waving back at her with a wink. Tay and I sat beside her on the couch.

"Hey, what do you want to do tonight?" Rose prucked up at the idea of doing something with us.

"Hum..... oh I know how about we going skating? " she looked all happy with her cute little smile and rosy cheeks. Tay looked at me and giggled.

"Yeah that sounds great it's been awhile since I been on some skates." Tay is just rubbing it in.

"Yes, thank you so much." She hugged both of us and ran to the kitchen, I'm guessing where her mom is.

"Sorry babe but looks like we are going skating. " she laughs and pecks my lips.

"This is going to be a epic." She laughs and we find a movie to watch and curl up on the couch. I'm so going to brake a leg.

Sorry it's so short guys hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote.

Lots of love dudderbug.

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