Chapter. 5

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When I woke up the next morning looking around a bedroom I don't recognizes, where the hell am I? Then it all came back Kelly leaving me for Mason, me walking in the woods, me being with Ian drinking and watching a movie with him, but that's all I remember how did I get in this room?

"Your up finally. " Ian said leaning on the doorway.

"Yea how did I get in here?" He smiled.

"I carried you, you fell asleep in my lap and I figure you want to sleep in a bed instead of my lap." Shit I would love to sleep in his lap. Damnit Taylor stop.

"Shit I'm so sorry." I stuttered.

"Why are you sorry it was fine quite cute actually. "Did he just call me cute?

"It was inappropriate. " he shook his head.

"Not really we are not at school." He is right, no he isn't.

"I made breakfast for you." God this man. I just seen he had a kitchen towel on his shoudlers that black shirt looked good on his well defind chest. I got up and went to the bathroom to try to fix myself.

"Ian do you a spare toothbrush? " I yelled.

"Yeah under the sink." I looked under the sink and there it was thank god at lease I won't have morning breath. After trying to fix myself for five minutes I walked to the kitchen to see a very hot Ian fixing me a plate of sausage, eggs , toast and orange juice.

"Thanks you didn't have to do this for me." He looked at me from head to toe and smirked.

"I wanted to no big deal come eat." I went and sat down beside him at the table and ate.

"Do you like it here?"

"Yea you have a great home." He started laughing.

"No I mean in Texas." Oh shit I feel dumb.

"Yeah it's a big change from South Carolina." I really did like it here.

"You have a very Southern accent. "Is he picking on me?

"Hey there's nothing wrong with the way I talk." I playful hit him on the arm.

"I didn't say there was I think it's sexy." Hold the fucking phone did he just? I looked up at him with a blush on my cheeks.

"Ian I..." His glaze did things to me that I shouldn't be feeling.

"You what?" He pulled his chair closer to mine.

"I-I think I should go." He was getting closer.

"I think you should stay." Did he really just say that?

"And why is that?" I challenged him. He put his hand on my thigh.

"Cause I want you to." His hand started to travel upward. Fuck I can't let him do this. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.

"As much as I like this I think I should go before we both get in trouble. "He intwined our fingers.

"There's nobody around." My whole fucking body just melted. He stood up still had my hand in his, he grabbed me by my waist and put me on his island and spread my legs and stood in between them.

"I want to kiss you Taylor? " I nodded my head and he drove in, his hand went to my right cheek and he lend in his plump lips met mine and I opened up to give access it took him no time for his tongue to dance with mine, it was hot and sexy full of lust. You know how they say it felt like butterflies in your stomach well this felt like damn dragons blowing fire all through my body, when his hand went to my ass I pushed him away and believe me it was the hardest thing I ever done.

"We shouldn't do this Ian." He looked sad.

"Why it felt good Taylor it felt damn good." Now I wish I didn't push him away.

"Cause your my Teacher and I should go." He nodded and backed up for me to jump down I walk to the door with him right behind me, as soon as my hand was on the doorknob he pushed my back against it and kissed me again and I let him, he broke away and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah you better go before I lock you in my room and have my way with you." Heat is all I felt I leaned in and gave him one little peck on the lips.

"Thanks for breakfast Mr. Cox's." He smirked and opened the door but before I left he put his number in my phone.

"See in class Ms.Smith." walking back to the lake I thought this was the best night of my life.

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