Chapter. 22

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When we left the club we got a cab and made our way to our dorm. Can't believe this is happening I wanted Taylor since the first time I seen her. She is very beautiful. I'm so lucky right now. I pay the cab and we go straight to our dorm. When I close the door I push her up against it kissing her with everything I hade. Her lips are so soft and when our tongues meet he grew instantly. God this girl is something else.


God he knows what his doing, when he pulled back from kissing me he took no time to unhook my dress, his eyes roamed my upper body, the dress stayed at my hips. I slowly ran my hands down my chest hooking my fingers in my dress and pulled down my legs, now standing in front of him with no bra and black and pink thong. His eye's got hugh when he seen my body. He walked up and held my waist.

"You fucking gorgeous babe." I blushed and looked down. He backed me to his bed and laid me down before kissing every inch of my body before he made his way back to my mouth. He reached in his nightstand and grabbed a condom, rolling it on his big member. Coming back on top of me he kisaed me one more time before looking up in my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and he plugged into me. He wasn't as big is Ian but his was big, he was taking his time with me. Very slow pumps in and out was driving me insane. I flipped us so I was on top, he looked surprised but didn't say nothing as I rode him.

"Fuck Tay." Mason moaned my name. I started to go faster and coming up until the head of his dick was only in me and went back down do this over and over again. I felt his dick twitch and I knew he was close. I circled my hip fast and deep and we both came at the sametime. I was laying on top of his chest trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Damn it was way better than I imagined." Mason said in a chuckle. I lend up and peck him before get off of him.

"Yea it was but you trying to torture me." I laughed. He got up to throw the condom away and came back with a glass of water for us. I drank some and he got into his bed, with my head on his chest and his arms around me, my phone beeped, I'll just check it in the morning I'm to tried to get up to get it. Mason kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight Mason, sweet dreams." He laughed and tightened his arm around my waist.

"My dreams are already sweet cause your in them." Aww so sweet, I kissed his chest and fell into a pieceful sleep.

What do you guys think about Tay and Mason? Should she be with Ian or Mason? How bout Kelly, what do y'all think about her?

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Thanks for reading.

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