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"Gyu! Come over here!" Yeonjun screamed from across the field, waving over to his younger brother.

Beomgyu looked over to his brother, and then hanging his head in embarrassment, he looked at his best friends; Taehyun and Kai.

They looked at him helplessly and shrugged, indicating that Beomgyu would have to go to Yeonjun to find out what was wrong.

Oh how Beomgyu hoped that he hadn't done something wrong, because he definitely didn't want to clean the room today.

Yeonjun continued to wave his hand, as in to catch Beomgyu's attention.

Beomgyu breathed out a small bye to his friends, and ran over across the field and stopped where Yeonjun was standing.

"Yes Hyung?" Beomgyu said shakily, hoping that he would let him off early.

"Ah! Stop trembling so much Gyu, you haven't done anything wrong. It's my turn to clean the room today, and I'm going to have to do it. I'm just going to the library, just tell mom that I'll be late okay?" Yeonjun patted the shorter's head, and Beomgyu pouted.

"Don't touch my hair, hyung, you know I don't like it." Beomgyu huffed, fixing his hair.

Yeonjun messed his hand up even more and ran away, "Don't forget to tell mom!"

Beomgyu sighed in annoyance, and walked back to where his friends were standing.

"Oh look Beomgyu's back. What did he say, Gyu?" Kai asked, looking at Beomgyu's tired face.

"Hyung said he was going down to the library so I should tell mom that he'd be late." Beomgyu said, fishing out a packet of biscuits from his bag.

"Why do you call him hyung anyway? He's only an year elder than you." Kai asked.

Beomgyu never knew. He always did was he was told to, and never disobeyed his elders. Yeonjun wasn't indeed only an year and a half elder than him, but he always called him hyung. At this point,after around 19 years of doing so, it would be awkward to call him just by his name.

"I don't know, Kai. I just feel really tired today, I'm going to go home early." Beomgyu said, opening the packet and forcing a piece inside his mouth, because he really felt ill.

"Hey, Beom, you don't seem your usual self, you're fine right? Should I leave you home?" Taehyun asked softly.

That was Taehyun.

Someone who Beomgyu could always talk to. He could be open with Taehyun no matter what, he wouldn't ever judge him, and he really cared for Beomgyu though he never really showed it.

These days, Beomgyu felt like Taehyun was getting more distant from him, but he just shrugged it off. He couldn't control his friend afterall.

Taehyun could do whatever he wanted to, and Beomgyu shouldn't care.

"Beomgyu? Hey, you're blanking out. You sure you're fine, right?"

"I'm just tired. I'll go home and sleep. I'll be better tomorrow." Beomgyu said scratching the back of his neck.

"Call me if anything, okay Beomgyu? Keep me updated on your health." Taehyun said.

Beomgyu nodded, and walked back home with his head hung down.

He could hear Kai and Taehyun in the distance.

"Taehyun, can you leave me home today?" Kai asked sweetly.

"Yeah sure, Huening, let's go."

Beomgyu turned back to see Taehyun wrapping his hand around Kai, and they walked together, giggling about something.

Beomgyu felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and holding it tightly, he made his way home painfully slow, only wanting on collapse on the bed.

He reached home and rang the bell, his mother opened the door.

"What's wrong?" She asked, judging by the looks of her son.

"It's nothing Eomma, I just feel sick. I'll go sleep and I'll be fine don't worry." Beomgyu assured her.

"Are you sure? You look dull."

"I'm fine, Eomma. Yeonjun hyung said he'd be late, he's going to the library. Don't wait long for him." Beomgyu said as he climbed up the stairs to his room.

He threw his bag on the floor before he feel flat faced on the bed.

He shifted his position, and layed down straight on the bed.

What had caused him this much pain?

Could it be the expired candies he ate this morning?

Perhaps it was that, because he had gulped down 8 of them.

Still feeling uncomfortable, Beomgyu tired to sleep, trying to ignore the sharp sting in his lower body.


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