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After wishing Yeonjun luck with Soobin, the three friends were currently sitting under a tree in the park after college, lazing around.

Beomgyu was scrolling through his phone, and HueningKai was playing with Taehyun's hair.

Beomgyu could swear these two were a couple in denial. The love radiating from their eyes was enough to make a person go blind.

Here, Beomgyu was the one who was being blinded right now.

He wouldn't normally be so disgusted by a couple, or even a gay couple for that matter, but imagining HueningKai and Taehyun together just felt wrong.

It felt utterly wrong to let HueningKai be where he should be. But again, Why should Beomgyu be in his place?

Was Beomgyu falling for Taehyun?

Maybe he was. He stared at the green leaves above him and realised that he had been in love with Taehyun.

For god knows how long.

Beomgyu has always loved his smile, the way it rarely occurs and has always wished that Taehyun smiles more. His hair, oh god his hair, was the most soft thing ever to exist.

And maybe he was jealous that HueningKai was the one who was touching them right now. He was the one getting the great honour of playing with Taehyun's hair.

And then it hit him hard.

He has always been in love with Taehyun.

But Taehyun has never loved him back. Taehyun has always loved HueningKai more than himself, and there was no denying.

Beomgyu will never be able to get his happily ever after with Taehyun.

Because Taehyun doesn't belong to him.

He has always, and will always belong to HueningKai.

And Beomgyu will be left alone as a third wheel all his life. He will never ever find someone.

He doesn't want anyone who isn't Taehyun. He wants to spend his life with Taehyun as his lover, not as HueningKai's.

Beomgyu starts to wonder what HueningKai has and Beomgyu doesn't.

While thinking about all of these, he realised how whipped he had been for Taehyun since forever.

He has always put the most thought for Taehyun's christmas gift and his was always handmade. Beomgyu could comprise with other people's gifts, but never with Taehyun's. Whenever he went shopping for himself, he bought clothes wondering,

Will Taehyun like it?

Will I look good for Taehyun?

Beomgyu turned over to the side, and saw Taehyun lying in HueningKai's lap.

He sighed.

He was never getting Taehyun. And that fact hit him hard today.

Beomgyu closed his eyes to register this fact in his mind.


"Beomgyu?Hey Beom?" HueningKai shook him.

"Huh,,what?" Beomgyu sat up as he rubbed his eyes. Oh my he had just slept in the middle of a public park.

He was greeted by not only HueningKai and Taehyun, but Yeonjun and Soobin were also standing there.

Beomgyu stood up and met Yeonjun's concerned gaze. Both of them knew that Beomgyu was never the type to sleep anywhere at anytime.

Yeonjun mentally made a note to ask his brother about this later.

Soobin noticed the awkwardness, and broke the silence." Hi."

Yeonjun remembered Soobin, and facepalmed himself.

"Oh um guys, This is Soobin, my boyfriend." Yeonjun said proudly.

"HE SAID YES?" HueningKai screamed.

Taehyun and Beomgyu looked shocked too but Kai was just extra.

"Oh yeah, I did." Soobin said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Soobin, this is Beomgyu, my brother.These clowns are Taehyun and HueningKai, Beomgyu's friends. You'll see them often,sorry for that." Yeonjun apologized mockily.

"Oh no no! HueningKai is a dear. I bet we'll get along well." Soobin smiled.

"Now, Beomgyu, you better get home, eomma must be waiting for you." Yeonjun advised.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you Soobin hyung. Didn't think that Yeonjun hyung could really convince you to say yes." He laughed.

They said their goodbyes, with Yeonjun and Soobin going elsewhere.

"We'll go home too now,bye Beomgyu." Taehyun waved.

"Bye." Beomgyu said.

When he saw Taehyun and HueningKai leaving and Yeonjun and Soobin giggling far in the distance, Beomgyu realised how alone he was.

With no one to love him.


my already short updates are getting even shorter, congratulations to me!

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