[ t h i r t y t w o ]

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"Another heartbreak?" Beomgyu mumbled to himself.

What does that mean?

He has barely known Taehyun for four days, and he's already given one heartbreak? And Beomgyu doesn't know about it? And he's going to give him another heartbreak?

Maybe Yeonjun hyung just said a few things out of anger. Beomgyu thought.

It was late, and he had an early class the next day, so he went to bed earlier than usual, completely ignoring all of Yeonjun's words.


Beomgyu walked into the corridor of this college, all alone, to his math classroom.

It was lunch, and the male was feeling drowsy, perhaps because of the high fever raging through his body.

He opened the door to the math classroom, and was greeted by an unfamiliar sight. Taehyun and Hueningkai making out.

Beomgyu watched them as Taehyun grabbed and pulled HueningKai closer to him, and he obliged, cutting off any space between them.

They looked all spent, like they had been in the same position for years.

Taehyun ran his finger's through Huening's brown locks and-

Beomgyu woke up with a jolt. Huening and Taehyun kissing, was it all a dream?

Why would he have such a dream?

Taehyun and Huening; why were these two names being taken together over and over again?

Beomgyu drank some water to cool down himself. He knows it, he's seen Taehyun before somewhere, and he's definitely not going to rest until he finds out where.

He looks at Yeonjun on the other side of the bed who is sleeping soundly with a stupid smile on his face, and a pillow between his legs.

Perhaps his whipped brother is thinking about Soobin again.

Beomgyu sighed and pulled the covers on top of his head, trying to drift off to sleep, but resulting in only thinking about Taehyun.


"Beomgyu hyung!" Taehyun shouted from behind him, and Beomgyu turned back and waved at him.

Beomgyu stood alone, next to the the pillar, and waited for Taehyun to reach him.

Taehyun panted and stood next to Beomgyu. "Good morning hyung." Taehyun breathed heavily, running a great distance.

"Good morning Taehyun, why'd you run so much?"Beomgyu rubbed his back. He reached out to his bag and took out his bottle. "Here drink this." Beomgyu handed it over to Taehyun, who smiled and excepted the bottle gratefully.

He chugged down half the bottle and Beomgyu laughed. "You okay?"

"MmmH, yes."Taehyun hummed, handing the bottle back to Beomgyu, thanking him.

"You're early today?"Taehyun asked.

"Yeah, I have a class in ten minutes."Beomgyu said, looking at Taehyun's face.

Taehyun gulped harshly. Why was Beomgyu looking at him like that? "Um, is there something wrong, hyung?" Taehyun asked, uncomfortable under Beomgyu's gaze.

Beomgyu snapped out of his trance. What was he doing? Was he going to be so obvious and stare at Taehyun, and let him realise?

No, definitely not.

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