[ t h i r t y o n e ]

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After around two days after Beomgyu's surgery, he's finally allowed to back to college.

But he's made a promise to stick around Yeonjun when not in class, because Yeonjun was an overprotective brother.

Beomgyu whistled lightly, as he scanned the area for any traces of a familiar face.

Jinsung walked upto Beomgyu and hit him up from the back.

"'Sup Beomgyu. Where's Huening and Taehyun?"

Beomgyu tilted his head slightly. Why would Jinsung refer to Huening and Taehyun together?

Taehyun is some gorgeous ass he's met only a few days ago, and Huening has been his best friend for god knows how long.

"Huening has gone to Paris for a little something—" Beomgyu smiled, but began screaming when he felt a hand on his shoulder which was neither his own not Jinsung's.

It was Taehyun.

"HueningKai shifted to Paris, Jinsung. Looks like he isn't coming back." Taehyun looked at him bitterly and then back at Beomgyu.

"What-no!"Beomgyu exclaimed. "He didn't tell me!"

"You fell down, remember? He told me then. He didn't want to disturb you perhaps." Taehyun said softly.

Beomgyu felt betrayed. His best friend for around six years was now keeping stuff from him? He thought it was okay to tell some complete stranger; Taehyun, but not his own friend?

"He still hasn't changed his phone number though." Taehyun said, and Beomgyu's face lit up at the thought of atleast having some sort of communication with the younger.

"You can still text him until he changes it." Taehyun said, and Beomgyu smiled, which caused Taehyun to smile too.

Wow, Beomgyu's smile was contagious. Taehyun thought as he smiled along with the elder.

Taehyun, didn't exactly feel heartbroken after Huening left. Sure he cried once or twice, but it ended just there.

Maybe because they just weren't meant to be. Maybe Taehyun had someone out there, who'd keep him better than Huening did.

Maybe that someone was Beomgyu.

Taehyun actually considered it for once. Ever since he's known that Beomgyu is, rather had been in love with him, he can't help but keep thinking about it.

Because really, Taehyun? There were so many other boys in the campus, and out of all them, Beomgyu chose Taehyun. Even Jinsung looked so good. Then why only Taehyun? 

Taehyun had never had any fantasies about Beomyu. But all of a sudden, ever since Taehyun has found out Beomgyu liking Taehyun, he feels like he wants to devour Beomgyu whole in one go.

"Thank you Taehyun," Beomgyu said, and Taehyun remembered it was for the Huening's phone number.

Taehyun smiled, and shot a glare to Jinsung. The poor boy got scared and ran away.

"Wait- Jinsung! We have math we could have gone together-" Beomgyu whispered the last bit, because Jinsung was already long gone.

"I'll leave you to your math class." Taehyun grinned at Beomgyu.

"No, it's alright, I'll be okay on my own." Beomgyu politely rejected his offer.

"No hyung, I insist."Taehyun pressed.

Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows. How did Taehyun know that he was elder than him? 

"How do you know that I'm your hyung?" Beomgyu asked curiously.

Of course, Taehyun was dumb. Beomgyu has forgotten everything, and Taehyun wasn't supposed to know that Beomgyu was elder. Make up some excuse quick, say something-

"Oh that? I- ermm- Jinsung! Jinsung hyung had math with you, and he's elder than you so I thought that maybe even you are." Taehyun breathed a sigh of relief. Phew, what a close save.

 Beomgyu stared at Taehyun for a good three seconds and then laughed. "Of course, I'm so dumb."

"No it's alright."Taehyun said, as both of them began walking towards Beomgyu's math class.

"I keep having this thought that I've seen you somewhere else." Beomgyu said, looking at his shoes. Then he looked back at Taehyun. "Are you sure we haven't met before?"

Taehyun gulped. No, don't tell him about it-

"Of course we haven't." Taehyun lied confidently. Usually, lying wasn't such a big deal, but with this, he felt guilty.

Beomgyu hummed as a response. He walked with his hands in his pocket, and stared at his feet awkwardly.

"Have you got in a fight with Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu asked Taehyun.

"No."Taehyun said. "Why'd you ask?"

"He seems to hate you. No offence, I find you pretty cool. You look very handsome too." Beomgyu said, and lightly winking, causing Taehyun to blush a little. "But I don't know why Yeonjun hyung asks me to stay away from you."

Taehyun bit his lip. Yeonjun really hated him for something he hadn't even done. 

"Won't he get mad if he sees you with me?" Taehyun asked.

"Nah." Beomgyu replied nonchalantly. "Even if he does, I don't care. He can't control me anyway."

Taehyun hummed in reply to this. They'd reached his classroom.

"See you around, Taehyun." Beomgyu said in a cute voice.

Taehyun almost cooed at this, but kept it in. "You too, hyung." he mumbled.



"What is it, Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu asked boredly.

"I want you in our room before I finish counting to ten! one! two! three! four! fiv-" Yeonjun screamed.

"What is it?" he peeked into the room, from the slightly open door.

"What was all that with Taehyun today?" Yeonjun questioned.

"What with him?"

"I saw him drop you to your class." Yeonjun crossed his arms.

"And what about that?" Beomgyu said, sitting on the bed.

"I think I told you to maintain a distance from that boy. He's ill mannered and a bad infl-"

"I think that's what you are, Yeonjun hyung." Beomgyu said, meeting the elder's gaze. Yeonjun glared at him. "He's been nothing but nice to me from the start, and you and Soobin hyung have just been calling him mean names. You're the bad influence here, Yeonjun hyung, not Taehyun." Beomgyu spoke bluntly.

Anger raged in Yeonjun's veins. All he was trying to was protect from the heartbreak but Beomgyu was an ungrateful person who had no idea what was good or bad for him.

"Fine then." Yeonjun spat. "Stay with Taehyun all day long."

"And yes, that's exactly what I intend to do." Beomgyu said.

"Let's see if that rat gives you something more than another heartbreak." Yeonjun huffed, and slammed the door.


hello long time no see :)

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